Watching you with her daughter

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Jenna's POV

So in my previous relationship, i had a daughter. The father is a complete asshole and has nothing to do with her. Which honestly, for the sake of her mental health, i prefer that. She has someone better anyways.

My current girlfriend, Y/n. Me and Y/  got together just short of 5 months ago. I didn't tell Y/n about her until about 2 months in. So honestly i was expecting her to be annoyed at me.

In reality she was shocked but quite happy. And pretty excited to meet her.

The three of us are at my house right now. Y/n is sat with Mia, my daughter. Y/n and Mia clicked almost instantly. It took Mia all of 10 minutes to grow to Y/n. Mainly cos Y/n let Mia go backstage to her show.

Y/n has pretty much just come off a really big show. Me and Y/n actually met off the back of it. Y/n was touring near me and I've had a little crush on her for a while so i thought I'd shoot my shot.

So now here we are. Y/n's last show was literally 5 minutes away from my house. So i took Mia. We went backstage and, since Mia has an insane attraction towards backstage music shit, Y/n showed Mia literally everything. And that's basically where Mia decided Y/n was her other mom.

So anyway.

Y/n and Mia are sat playing with Mia's toys on the floor. Mia is 3. She's turning 4 in about a week.

Y/n is 18. She turns 19 in about 3 weeks. And then I'm 20. I'm 21 in about 4 months.

"Y/n!! Y/n!!" Mia exclaims.

"Yeah?!" Y/n exclaims.

"Tea party!"

"Of course!"

Y/n picks up Mia and takes her upstairs to grab the tea party required equipment. I cant help but smile when Y/n comes back downstairs with a dress that's waaaay too small for her. Mia is wearing one of her many princess dresses.

"Mama!" Mia exclaims, pulling Y/n over to me.

"What's up hon?"

"Y/n in one of my dresses!" She exclaims.

I look at Y/n.

"Not a word babe, not a word." Y/n warns.

I laugh.

"I think Y/n looks amazing. Dont you?"

"Yeah!!!" Mia exclaims.

"C'mon you, little monkey, lets get this tea party started." Y/n says, picking up Mia.

They sit and do the tea party. Then Mia pulls Y/n upstairs. Y/n then comes back down with two pretend swords, followed by Mia running over to me.

"Y/n!" Mia exclaims.

She grabs one of the swords and gives it to me.

"Mama kidnapped me!"

I stand up. Me and Y/n 'fight' and Y/n beats me to save the princess.

"Y/n saveded me!" She exclaims.

I just sit and smile as Y/n continues to play about with my daughter. She's really good with Mia. I love how like just really good with Mia Y/n is.

A few hours pass and it's just me and Y/n sat together on my sofa while Mia just plays pretend upstairs by herself.

"You're really good with her." I say.

"I used to babysit when i was like 14. One of my friends had like 4 little siblings. They had a shit load of stuff to do all the time so i would babysit and get paid by their parents. I think they used to pay me like $10 each time I'd babysit." Y/n says.

"That's pretty solid." I say.

"Yeah i used to be rich as fuck." Y/n says, laughing slightly.

I laugh. Out of nowhere, there's a loud thud. Me and Y/n both run upstairs and see Mia sat crying on the floor.

"Mia." Y/n says, sitting next to her.

I sit next to her. Mia attaches herself to Y/n. Y/n holds Mia and tries to get out of her what's wrong. Eventually Y/n gets Mia calm and Mia lets go of Y/n's neck.

"What happened?" Y/n asks, softly.

Mia sniffles. Y/n gently wipes the tears away from Mia's face.

"It's okay, Angel. Take as long as you need." Y/n says.

Mia wipes her eyes.

"I bangded my head." Mia sniffles.

"What'd you bang it on sweetheart?" Y/n asks.

"On my bed. I was grabbing a toy and i bangded my head." Mia says.

"Do you wanna come sit downstairs with us?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah." She sniffles.

Y/n lifts Mia and stands up.

"Do you wanna bring one of your teddies?" Y/n asks.

Mia nods. Y/n takes Mia to the big bundle of teddies and Mia grabs two.

We go downstairs and sit together on the sofa. Mia sits cuddling up to Y/n. I sit next to Y/n with my head on her shoulder. Y/n has an arm around my shoulder and an arm around Mia who's holding her teddies.

"You okay sweetheart?" Y/n asks Mia.

Mia nods. Y/n looks at me.

"You okay?" She asks.

I smile and nods. She smiles. She places a kiss on my lips. I smile.

"Ew mama." Mia says.

We look at her.

"What's up?" Y/n asks.

"You kissed mama." Mia says.

"That's cos i like your mama very very much." Y/n says.

"You love mama?" Mia asks.

I look at Y/n. We haven't actually said it yet. But i feel like Y/n does love me. And the more I've been thinking about it, the more i feel like i love her.

Y/n nods.

"Yeah. I love your mama."

"Like me?" Mia asks.

"Not how you love your mom. It's something that you might not fully understand yet. But i'll explain it to you another time." Y/n says.

"Okay!!" Mia exclaims.

A few hours pass. Me and Y/n put Mia to bed and now we're layed in my bed cuddling. I'm cuddled up into her side and she has her arm around my shoulder.

"So uhm... you love me?" I ask.

I look at Y/n.

"I-uh... yeah. You dont have to say it back if you're not ready." Y/n says.

"Kinda weird how when Mia said to you if you loved me i immediately just kinda figured out that i did. And i mean after the way you've been with Mia today it's kinda just pushed it even further." I say.

"Really?" Y/n asks.

"The way you were with my daughter today has genuinely made me fall harder for you. And I'm quite happy to say that i do love you." I say.

I look at Y/n. She's smiling. She looks at me. I smile. She pulls me into a kiss. I kiss back. She then pulls back. We just lay and talk for a bit before drifting off to sleep.

Thoughts? Thank you so fucking much for 100K on this book!! Byeee :))

Jenna Ortega/Wednesday Addams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now