Tour around Akihabara

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They visit Akihabara, a town full of electric goods, and see a large TV on sale at a store. The BBs explained there was a TV in the dorm, but it was removed before their arrival. The reason is for them to focus on their studies, and in its place lies a large radio where they hear music, drama, and news. The girls let them know of a summer festival tomorrow and invite the BBs to go with them. The BBs, of course, agree to go.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather is sunny all week.


[August 21, Tuesday - week 4]

The BBs hear the phone ring this morning, and Seiya promptly picks it up, knowing that Shoko will call them to follow up on yesterday's meeting.

"Seiya-kun, good morning!"

"Ah, yes! Shoko-san!"

"Remember I said I call."

"Of course you did. We've been expecting."

"Good! Okay, so I have this neighborhood in mind to go with the girls and would like to take you to Electric Town."

"Electric Town?"

"It's also known as Akihabara. To be honest, this will be my first time going, too. I've heard many things about it, so I want to check the place out and find a better opportunity to go as a big group."

"If you say so. Do you know where it is?"

"It's accessible by subway. Tell you what, let's all go together as a group. We'll meet in Shibuya and take it from there. What do you think?"

"It makes sense. I don't know where that is."

"Good! Then we'll see you before noon!"

Seiya and Shoko hang up. The BBs, except for Ikki (due to Kyoko working her job again), dress up to meet with the girls in Shibuya. Once they meet, they head to Akihabara, known as Electric Town. Before exploring, they exit the subway and head to eat something at a local eatery.

"How come Akihabara is called Electric Town?" Seiya asks.

"That's a Good question. I suppose it has to do with all the tech goods sold here," Shoko says. "But I don't know. I expected something else."

"Perhaps you were expecting high-tech goods," Shoko says.

"Looks more like a giant flea market if you ask me," Alicia says.

"At least we know now what Akihabara looks like," Mei says.

The group explores a nearby store that sells all kinds of electronics on various floors

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The group explores a nearby store that sells all kinds of electronics on various floors. Seiya pays attention to a giant television on sale that his friends approach out of curiosity. Their standing gets the girls' attention, and they approach them to talk.

"You guys seem to like this one," Shoko says.

"This TV could've been the perfect fit for our dorm," Seiya says.

"Could've been?" Chihiro asks.

"The truth is we don't have a television. Perhaps there used to be one but it was gone by the time we arrived," Shiryu explains.

"Yeah, we presume it was removed so we can focus on our studies," Hyoga adds. "So in its place lies a large radio that we use to get our news and weather report. The radio was probably placed before our arrival."

"Is it just your dorm or all dorms?" Alicia asks.

"We don't know the rest but only our dorm lacks a television. But we don't have a television in each of our rooms either," Shun says.

"That's odd but I suppose it makes sense since seeing images on TV would be a distraction as opposed to hearing only words and music on the radio," Mei says. "I could recommend some radio dramas if you like."

"We'd prefer music, though," Seiya says.

"Then try one focused on ambient sounds. That makes it perfect to concentrate on school work. Classical music works too."

The group spends the next few hours exploring various stores until evening when they must return home. Although they visit many stores, none of them buy anything; they enjoy observing the goods sold.

"What's next tomorrow?" Shun asks.

"You know, there's a fireworks festival tomorrow night. I know where it is so I think it'll be a good idea to go there," Alicia says.

"Summer festivals are my favorite!" Mei says.

"Count me in! We should go," Chihiro adds.

"From the looks of your confused faces, I guess you've never been to a summer festival, let alone know what that is. The summer festival is exactly what it sounds like: an outdoor summer night party with fireworks. Oh yeah! Expect to see a lot of people wearing yukata," Shoko says.

"Yukata?" Hyoga asks, confused.

"It's a kimono worn during summer. In fact, I'll wear my yukata."

"I'll wear mine too!" Chihiro adds.

"I still have mine," Mei says.

"I don't have one so I'll have to go without," Alicia says. "By the way, wearing a yukata isn't mandatory. The point of going is to have fun."

"I want Kyoko-san to come so that Ikki can come. But she has her job, so I should call her when I return home." Shoko pauses. "Anyway, we all agree to the summer festival tomorrow. Wait for my call, okay, so that we can go together. I look forward to seeing the giant fireworks."

"By the way, what are fireworks like?" Hyoga asks. I know it sounds like a dumb question, but I've never seen one, let alone understood what it is."

"He trained in the frozen north, that's why." Seiya points.

"Fireworks are amazing! They explode in the sky!" Like, they make this big colorful, loud boom. The sight of them will take your breath away!"

With that in mind, the group goes home to rest for their meeting tomorrow night at the summer festival.

To be continued...

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