Optimistic Promise to Reunite

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Ikki and Kyoko meet for lunch again. As he eats another of Kyoko's meals, he tells her that bringing lunch will no longer be necessary since Seiya cooks. She's saddened, but Ikki likes her company and wants her to stay.

Class topics for this week: Recap for finals.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.



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[July 10, Tuesday - week 2]

As usual, Ikki and Kyoko meet again for lunch, and she hands over the lunch she prepared for him. She's been preparing lunch boxes since their last meeting since she likes the idea of feeding him better food over the ones he used to receive.

"Thanks," Ikki says as he opens the lid. He sees the usual egg rolls that he likes. But he's been eating less of them since Seiya started cooking his lunch. However, he doesn't want to disappoint her, so he eats them anyway for her sake.

"You're welcome, but Ikki, I've noticed you've been eating my lunches less and less. Is there something wrong with them?"

"There's nothing wrong per se. It's just that I ate my own lunch thanks to Seiya's cooking. I ate after my friends left the dorm before lunch break."

"Well, that explains it. Thank goodness it wasn't negative feedback about my food." She sighs in relief. "I put a lot of effort into them."

"He has been cooking for us since the camping trip. I never saw that coming in all my time knowing him. He does have the talent, though."

"I agree! Seiya made really good curry there."

"He built his skill at the Cooking Club he's in."

"So what kind of lunch box he makes for you?"

"He makes an assorted combo with rice."

"An assorted combo?"

"It's a mix of meat, vegetables, and eggs."

"I see. Mixing the three would make for a colorful combo. It makes sense for him to arrange your lunch that way. It covers your nutrition needs."

"Yeah, he said he didn't know what kind of lunch I would like, so he makes one to cover everything I would assume to like which it does."

"It must've worked since you've been eating it. Otherwise, you would've eaten more of my lunch if you didn't like what he prepared."

"I'm so happy for you..."

Ikki looks at her, whose expression shows sadness

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Ikki looks at her, whose expression shows sadness.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Well, given that Seiya cooks for you, does this mean there will be no point in meeting anymore? That making your lunch will no longer be necessary? If that's the case, then..."

"Hold on there! Are you implying we shouldn't meet anymore because Seiya now cooks my food? It's true that my reason for meeting you was to eat your food, but we ended up getting to know each other over time."

"That's right! I met your brother as well as your friends. Your brother really looks up to you, and the two of you are super close. I don't have any siblings, so seeing you two makes me happy."

"Shun can be a handful sometimes, but he's my only brother. I wouldn't trade him for anything. The same goes for my friends, even though some can be eccentric. But Kyoko, you have positive qualities that I admire."

"Really?" she asks, confused with a tilted head.

"Yes! I mean, you live alone in a city far away from your parents. You balance going to school and working your part-time job. Doing those two must be tough, and yet you push through. On top of that, you wake up early to make lunch for me, knowing the rough day ahead of you. If I was in your place, I would've done exactly that."

"Ikki..." Kyoko's eyes quiver, moved by his words.

"I would've preferred that kind of life. It builds resilience and resolve. In your case, though, you manage to maintain your optimism."

"Thank you, Ikki. You're the first to give me credit."

"I would like to keep meeting. Maybe on vacation."

"That's a guarantee promise, yes?"

"Yes!" He nods, agreeing.

To be continued...


Happy New Year, everybody! ^^

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