Baking a Cake part 1

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Seiya must wake up early to prepare curry box lunches for him and his friends starting this week. He will cook curry for dinner, too. Regarding what to eat for breakfast, Shiryu suggests buying a bakery at school. Meanwhile, the Cooking Club covers the basics of making cake part 1.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Plato (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Yamato (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 2 (Physics); Biology Basics - Membrane Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 21-41 (Literature)

The weather is sunny all week.



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[June 18, Monday - week 4]

Four BBs head downstairs and see Seiya preparing box lunches in the kitchen. They're surprised to see their friend up and early. The boys are already dressed in summer uniforms, ready to go.

"You're up this early, Seiya!" Hyoga says.

"Yes, I am! I'm preparing our lunches right now."

"Let me guess. Bland curry again?" His eyes narrow.

"What else there would be?" Seiya furrows.

"And then we'll have the same again at dinner..."

"We get that you cook, but you don't have to push yourself," Shun says.

"Guys! You've done a lot. Let me pay you back. Besides, I'm the only one who can cook because I'm in the Cooking Club."

"Done a lot? You mean like..." Shiryu says.

"Right! You always provide me your cosmo so I can beat the big enemy. You guys always back me up. Now it's my turn to pay back."

"Well, you have a point there," Ikki says, agreeing.

"You know I'm reckless and impulsive, but NOT that reckless. Especially when it comes to cooking. Cooking demands details."

"Your cooking is really good, Seiya. I admit." Hyoga nods.

They back off and agree to wait at the dining table. Then Seiya comes out with the box lunches now done and gives them one box at a time.

"Seiya, are these the boxes from before?" Ikki asks.

"Yeah! I saved those and cleaned them. We don't have our own lunch boxes to add food, so I had to save the last ones we had."

"It'll be nice if we had our own. It's easy to get confused," Hyoga says.

"We'll buy at the store eventually. Don't worry," Shun says.

"Okay, what are we going to do about breakfast?"

"About that, you can buy bakery at school," Shiryu says.

"Bakery? You mean like bread?" Seiya asks.

"You may or may not know this, but the Student Council has a fundraiser for the November sports festival, and we're selling bakery to raise funds. Although they sell out during lunchtime, the bakery is still available for the entire shift, so you can buy as soon as the school opens."

"Talking about buying food at a place we'll never go..." Hyoga mutters.

"But we'll be contributing. We're allowed to buy, right?" Shun asks.

"Of course! You can buy as many as you want."

"How long will this fundraiser last?" Seiya asks.

"Until we have the funds to cover site costs."

Shun turns to Ikki. "Brother, what are you going to do? We're out of breakfast box lunches, and you're not allowed in the building."

"This is going to be difficult," Ikki says.

"Shiryu, do you think there will be leftovers so we can give to Ikki?"

"I've already said that all the bakery sells out during lunch, but there are always a few leftovers that some of us take home. I'll set aside some."

"Thanks, Shiryu." Ikki nods, smiling.

"You'll have to go without breakfast in the meantime," Hyoga says.

"That's alright. I'm used to it anyway."

The boys head to school shortly after. Some of the students in their class greet them once they enter. Once they sit, Haruka enters the classroom and takes the morning attendance. Haruka then makes an announcement.

"Alright, class. This week is the school's annual health fair. Most of you already know, but for the four students in the back, it means an event focusing on health. You will receive your physical exam checkup."

"Physical exam?" Seiya asks, tilted and confused.

"Yes, physical exam. A doctor will check you out. But for the four of you, the process will be slightly different because of your status."

The boys agape at the disclosure, still confused.

"Okay..." Seiya murmurs with SD-dotted eyes.

"Anyway, the health fair will be this Friday and will last until Saturday. You must wear your PE uniform to attend. By the way, the health fair is government-mandated, so attendance is mandatory."

Shun raises his hand. "Haruka-san, will my brother participate too?"

"Yes," Haruka responds without hesitation. "He'll be part of the same process as the four of you. With that said, let's start the lesson."

Many hours pass, and the boys attend their respective clubs. Seiya listens to the Cooking Club's session without another lesson.

"Alright! Summer vacation is close by, and so are the holidays. Some of you will even celebrate birthdays, and if you want to impress guests even further, then it's imperative to know how to bake a cake. Pay attention because the process is a bit complicated."

Rindo displays baking tools on the counter.

"I will focus on gathering the ingredients for this session. The next session will cover the results of baking the cake in the oven."

There are measuring cups filled with flour, baking powder, butter, sugar, eggs, a bottle of vanilla extract, and a carton of milk.

"These ingredients are the bare minimum needed to prepare the cake. The next session will cover cake decorations such as frosting. Anyway, you take these ingredients and mix them in a large bowl. You can do it with a whisk or use an electronic mixer. The latter is useful for baking a large cake to serve many guests. I will mix these for this session, but save the batter in the fridge for preservation until baking."

Rindo demonstrates as Seiya and the other club members observe and take notes. He then covers the batter with aluminum foil and stores it.

"Alright, that's all for this lesson. I hope you took notes because this is a complicated process. Of course, the more you bake, the easier it gets."

To be continued...

Campus Sanctuary 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora