Saori's First Weekly Visit

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Saori visits at night and gives the boys allowance. She orders them to visit the director tomorrow. They still insist going to school is a bad idea.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy mix.


[April 15, Sunday - week 3]

True to her word, Saori shows up at night to see the BBs. They've been waiting in the lounge.

"Saori-san! Thank goodness! We have so many things to say."

Seiya escorts her to the armchair, and she takes a seat.

"I have things to say too, but let's hear you."

Seiya also sits.

"Listen, Saori-san, school sucks. We're not fit."

"I have a feeling you say that. Too bad because you're all returning tomorrow."

"Wait, what?" asks a shocked Seiya.

The rest of them gasps at the sudden reveal.

"It's exactly what I said."

"Wait, Saori-san... No!"

"We've come to an agreement. He'll take you back, but you must see him first."

Seiya slips off the couch and pleads.

"No, Saori-san, let us drop out!"

"Better yet, let us join the others in the reconstruction," Hyoga adds.

"Not a chance! You'll be returning. Period. End of discussion."

"This is the worst news ever," Ikki says.

"I'll give you these envelopes containing your allowance to celebrate your return."

With a smile, Saori places five envelopes on the table. Each envelope has a name written on it. The boys hesitantly pick up the envelopes. Each envelope contains five bills of thousand yen a piece.

"Five thousand yen? That sounds like a lot," Seiya says.

"Of course, that should sustain you until next week."

"Next week?" Ikki asks.

"That's right! Every Sunday night, I come."

"I thought visitors weren't allowed," Shiryu says.

"I'm the exception," Saori says with a smug.

"That makes sense," Hyoga adds with a shrug.

Seiya stands and returns to his seat.

"I can't stand those teachers, but Haruka-san and Mitsuru-san, on the other hand..."

"Mitsuru-san was nice enough to check up on us and follow through," Shun says.

"But those two alone will not make our school life bearable," Hyoga says.

"Let's return tomorrow and see him," Shiryu says. "Let's hear what he has to say. We owe that much."

"Those teachers will screw us over, but we must still hear Mitsuru-san."

"So there's no dropping out then..." Ikki mutters.

"Yep, we're stuck no matter what." Seiya shrugs.
"Why don't we take a break. I'll bring water," Shiryu says.

"Thanks, Shiryu."

Shiryu gets up and heads to the kitchen to bring a tray with cups of water. Once he returns, the conversation resumes. Everyone picks up the cups full of water and drinks.

"Saori-san, you probably already know that Seiya's sister was found. Why did you enroll us in school knowing this? Shouldn't bringing her here be far more important?" Shun asks.

"Her mental health isn't the greatest, and she needs far more attentive care."

"Then bringing her here should've been priority number one," Seiya says. "I could've taken care of her."

"No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't be able to. That's why she'll stay in Sanctuary. Marin and Shaina are taking care of her full-time. Once her mental health recovers, then we can safely bring her here."

"Bringing her here and explaining out of nowhere would be overwhelming. It's for the best," Ikki says.

"But I've been waiting for so long..." Seiya grunts in frustration.

"I understand, but she needs to mentally recover," Saori says.

"Seiya, she's not alone. Marin and Shaina are taking care of her," Hyoga adds.

"I supposed I should bear then." Seiya sighs. "They will send updates, right?"

"About that!" Saori claps her palms. "Shaina will send a letter around summer."

Seiya stands up. "Good! I'm looking forward to it."

To be continued...

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