Exercise Session part 1

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Exercise #1. Seiya does some lifts with dumbbells.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

Today's weather is a heat wave.

This week begins the August chapter.


[July 30, Monday - week 1]

It's another dull day of summer vacation. Since the BBs will live in the dorm for their high school career, they might as well take advantage of their dorm gym. They explored the gym at the start of the school year, so it's a matter of using it whenever possible.

As for Seiya, he makes it to the dorm gym but soon sits on a nearby bench, bored as heck. It doesn't help there's a heat wave going on. The air conditioner works, but the heat wave makes it difficult to feel the cool air. It's as if there's no ventilation flowing around.

"It'll be a shame if I were to spend my school years here, living here and NOT using its gym." Seiya sighs. Because of the heat wave, he's wearing a red tank top, blue shorts, and white sneakers.

Seiya looks up and realizes the punching bag he ripped initially has been replaced with a new one.

"I see. It's brand new. No wonder it looks different. Argh! But why bother doing it only to overdo it and then have it replaced again? But I'm not sure what to do here. This heat wave isn't helping!"

He looks around, trying to search for something that gets his attention. However, he gets up and strolls around to observe some equipment up close, assuming that will get his attention better.

"I suppose walking around would provide some relief. Maybe if I spot something, that might motivate me to do something here."

As he strolls across the gym, he spots a set of dumbbells that get his attention. Each comes in a pair and in different sizes.

"Interesting! They come in pairs. Where do I recall seeing something like that? Ah! That's right! The Libra Gold Cloth has six pairs of weapons!"

He approaches the set to watch them closely.

"I know what these are. These are what we call dumbbells. Let's see... they all have the same color and come in different weights and sizes. The lightest one weighs a single pound, while the heaviest weighs a hundred. Wow! Is this for real?"

Seiya picks the single-pound weights for fun and observation. The weights feel light as if he's holding two pairs of pencils.

"Look at these! They're so light! They might as well be feathers!" Seiya chuckles, grinning. 

He puts them back and kneels to glance at the hundred-pound pair. "Who in the world would lift those pair of weights? Obviously, big guys would easily do it. Even using my cosmo wouldn't be enough, and I fought too many big guys. Okay, fine! I'll do a ten pound to start."

He grabs the ten-pound pair and heads to the bench to lift one at a time, starting by raising his right forearm slow and steady.

"Of course, a ten-pound for a saint like me is nothing, but there's a certain fun and ease considering the hot summer heat wave."

Then, he does the same with his left forearm. Once he gets the hang of them, he upgrades to the twenty-pound pair. Then to thirty plus until hours pass, and he finishes satisfied with the workout. After completing the exercise, he's confident he'll use the dorm gym again and test out different equipment for the foreseeable future.

To be continued...


This is the first of exercise specials. (1/5)

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