Exercise Session part 2

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Exercise #2. Shun does some random yoga.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

Today's weather is a heat wave.

This week begins the August chapter.


[July 31, Tuesday - week 1]

It's yet another dull day of summer vacation. The BBs should take advantage of their in-dorm gym during their high school days. Seiya took advantage yesterday, and today, it's Shun's turn.

However, unlike Seiya, who randomly picked an exercise due to boredom, Shun is at the gym for a specific purpose. In fact, he's sitting on a laid-out mat on the floor. He's been doing a series of yoga poses since his arrival.

That is because he learned about yoga from the library upstairs and decided to put some of the poses to practice. He's been looking into yoga because he overheard a conversation about some club members engaging in it, so he decided to check it out to see what they mean.

Also, unlike Seiya, Shun is not interested in using gym equipment, so he sought an alternative. Stumbling about yoga and learning about it comes across as very unexpected and fascinating to him. Because of today's heat wave, he's wearing nothing but pink shorts. His hair's tied up in a ponytail to facilitate ease, given many poses require a lot of bending and flexibility.

"Let's see if I'm doing this right."

He brought some of the yoga books to serve as reference tools. Shun looks into one of the books whenever he does a pose.

"This yoga thing may seem easy but..."

Not that he has difficulty. It's just that yoga poses may seem easy at first glance, but they require balance, focus, and determination. Plus, flexibility for the poses, just like his Nebula Chains.

"I can do some of them..."

He takes the chance to flex as much as possible, never minding the sweat of the heat wave. Some of his yoga poses involve doing leg splits. Surprisingly, this isn't his first time doing splits of any kind. He simply never employed them during his active time as Athena's saint. His Nebula Chains did all the flexibility for him.

"It's been a while since I did this..."

Although he never employed splits as Athena's saint, he probably did at some point during his training on Andromeda Island. It helps that he is thin and slender enough to make leg splits possible. Leg splits aren't the only ones he can flex with. He can also do some real bending: forward, backward, upward, and downward, including a handstand reminiscent of a bent tail. And because he's shirtless, his body follows suit with the bending. Additionally, he does a one-legged split front and back, sometimes with the leg bent.

"I think I'm seeing stars..."

He sighs upon recomposing, lying on the floor as a means to rest. Though the yoga poses made him bend like a rubber band, he ended his workout satisfied with the results. He gets up to grab a towel and the pastel-colored t-shirt that he wore before the workout and heads to take a shower. Given the good results, he will employ yoga poses again for the foreseeable future.

To be continued...


This is the second of exercise specials. (2/5)

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