July Monthly Cleaning

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Summer vacation starts, plus monthly cleaning.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.


[July 21, Saturday - week 3]

The long-awaited summer vacation is here. The BBs are reunited at the sofa lounge to chat before engaging in their monthly cleaning.

"Summer vacation is here!" Seiya says.

"So everyone decides to travel?" Ikki asks.

"Right, brother! We're going to Kyoto," Shun says.

"But we'll be far from Athena. Does anyone know?"

"Of course, we do! That's why we will ask for her permission when she comes tomorrow. However, I have the feeling she would most likely push this. She would even go so far as to pay the whole thing," Seiya states.

"Technically, we told her we'll expect a meeting when summer vacation comes. So saying we don't want to go would be awkward," Hyoga says.

"The meeting didn't include travel," Seiya adds.

"From what I read about Kyoto, it is far but accessible. We'd just need to take this high-speed bullet train, and we would arrive at the station where all the tourist spots are," Shiryu explains.

"Okay, fine, but what about the dates?"

"That's the thing, Ikki, we don't have the dates. And we don't know if this will be a weekend trip or a multi-day stay. That's why we must ask her."

"I understand our concern about being far away from Saori-san, given that she is Athena, but going there will be a unique chance to explore another Japanese city like Kyoto. This chance may never come again if we refuse. I mean, I like the idea of playing tourist," Shun says.

"Playing tourist, huh?" Hyoga mutters.

"Playing tourist wouldn't be a bad idea," Shiryu says. "We always fight in faraway places, so playing tourist in another city of this country would give us the chance to do something other than fighting."

"And Kyoto is the perfect fit," Shun says with a hand cupped on his cheek and sparks in his eyes. "We should go at least once."

"To be fair, I'm curious about Kyoto especially at the part the girls said about places that school trips don't go to," Seiya says.

"Funny, I don't see anything about school trips in our starter pack. Just the camping trip, though," Shiryu says.

"One of them mentioned geishas. It rings a bell, and I think I saw it in the manga with the main character saying something like that," Hyoga says.

"Oh yeah! He did say that to a woman he was flirting with," Seiya adds.

"Geishas?" Shun asks, confused.

"I wonder why schools don't go to certain places. Shiryu, did you read anything?"

"I didn't read that part." Shiryu sighs.

"Maybe schools don't go there because geishas might be those types of women..."

"Those types of women?"

"Yes, Shun! Those types of women who offer..." Hyoga tries to explain, but Ikki cuts him off.

"Enough! That's not necessary!"

"They offer what, brother?"

"You don't need to know." Ikki frowns with popping veins.

"Look! Whatever the case, let's go to Kyoto, do what we gotta do, and then return. It's that simple," Seiya says. "Of course, that's after we get Saori-san's approval when she comes tomorrow."

The boys take a break before continuing their chat.

"On the other hand, today is our monthly cleaning. I hope no one has forgotten that we must clean our dorm every month," Shun says.

"I almost forgot with all the studying for final exams, but we have monthly cleaning. That's why we're here," Seiya says.

"So we'll rotate again, right?" Hyoga asks.

"Yes! Although the weather is hot outside."

"True, summer has started for real," Shiryu says.

"We're going to sweat a lot, so I'll take my shirt off."

Ikki's brow twitches. "Is that what you did when you had your place?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Seiya shrugs. "I don't see why I shouldn't. I don't see why YOU guys shouldn't. Look around! There aren't any girls."

"I agree with Seiya here. We might as well do it because it's hot and some of us would end up removing it anyway," Hyoga says.

"Okay, fine we do it!" Ikki says.

"Great! I'll do it too!" Shun adds with fist pumps.

"Uh, no! Not you, Shun." Ikki frowns.

"Brother, I'm a guy!" Shun sweat drops.

After a good laugh, everyone cleaned their dorm as usual, but this time without their t-shirts. They sweated profusely due to the hot weather but had a great time. Once they finished cleaning, they took a shower and had dinner, chatting as usual during their monthly cleaning event.

To be continued...

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