My Little Duckling-kun

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Jojo spots Hyoga in the hallway during lunch period and greets him. Touya shows up and asks Hyoga about his well-being. He gives his thanks and asks if calling him Touya-san is okay. Touya tells Jojo not to hit on students as Jojo hugs a blushing Hyoga. Jojo says he can't resist and makes him his cute "patito-kun." Once they leave, Hyoga slumps to the floor, bewildered at the bizarre nickname. Meanwhile, The Student Council meets for fundraising ideas and figures a bake sale will do.

Class topics for this week (random): Origin of Life (biology); Origin of the Universe (English); Light Speed Measure (physics); Algebra Basics (math); Ancient Philosophy Basics (history)

The weather for today is sunny.

This week concludes the May chapter.



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[May 24, Thursday - week 4]

Jojo spots Hyoga in the hallway as the latter heads toward his classroom.

"There you are!" Jojo calls out.

"And you are..." Hyoga pivots and reacts, seemingly caught off-guard.

"You forgot? We had class this morning. Then again, we met last week so it's only fair. We're still on lunch break but where are you heading?"

"Back to class. Lunch break is about to end."

"That's right! You'll be having class with Touya."

"What about you?"

"I'm heading to another class to teach, of course. Don't forget to do the homework I assigned, okay? The homework is part of your grade."

"Sure!" Hyoga nods but fidgets. His face slowly turns red.

"It happened again. Why do I flush in front of him? He's not even Milo, yet I feel his presence and influence coming from the teacher."

Jojo notices and places his hand over the boy's shoulder.

"This is the first I've seen the likes of you. And I've seen a lot of different people especially in Shinjuku."

"Shinjuku?" Hyoga asks.

"Never heard of it?" The boy gestures a silent no. "Hm, you look like you don't know much. If anything, you know this one thing to the exclusion of everything else. That makes you... sheltered."

"You're not wrong..." he says with a lowered gaze and shifted eyes.

"Not that it matters, but your name does not match your looks."

"Well, people have commented on the discrepancy between my name and looks. But the truth is I was born with them. That's all it is."

"You sound truthful. Regardless, we have a whole high school to know each other better so there's no rush to start hanging out."

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