Rainy Session

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Study group for the whole day.

The weather for today is raining.


[July 14, Saturday - week 2]

All five BBs are reunited at their dorm's library on the third floor to engage in a whole day study session for their upcoming final exams.

"We're here again," Seiya remarks.

"It's easier to study here than downstairs in the lounge," Shiryu says. "Plus, we can borrow any books we need from here."

"It's raining so it makes sense," Hyoga says.

"Shun, our uniforms are outside. Did you bring them in?" Shiryu asks.

"Don't worry! I did it early before the rain started."

"That's good to know, thanks. Alright, we can start our study session. We covered two teachers the last time, so now we'll do more of them."

Various notebooks, textbooks, and library books are scattered across the table. There is also a water pitcher with some half-full cups.

"Who should we start first?" Hyoga asks.

"We can start with Shaka-sensei," Seiya says. "Although Yuichiro-san also teaches similar topics, it makes sense to cover both."

"Let's see. Both cover Shinto philosophy, but it's mostly early Japanese history in disguise," Ikki says. "Shinto is as old as Japan itself."

"One could say it's a mix of philosophy and history," Shiryu explains. "If you look at all four periods explained in class, early Japan built its identity once the immigrants arrived, bringing customs the Japanese would adopt and make their own. Of course, creating a new identity comes with a new set of philosophies that would become part of the Shinto religion."

"You mean customs like writing, etc.?" Seiya asks.

"Right! That's why we write kanji in the first place."

A few hours pass as they continue to cover topics by Yuichiro and Shaka-sensei until they are satisfied. Then, they decide to take a break by doing other things and return to resume their study session.

"We should cover Koko-sensei next," Shiryu says.

"But he did the same as Tetsuo-sensei," Seiya says.

"True, but he went over the Tale of Genji book analysis for weeks," Shun says. "We should study that if they're going to be in the exam."

"Tale of Genji? He talk a lot about it," Hyoga says.

"What's the Tale of Genji again?" Seiya asks.

Shun sweat drops. "Oh dear..."

"The Tale of Genji is said to be the first known full novel by a female courtesan that tells the story of Prince Genji. Koko-sensei covered the original story with all fifty-four chapters," Shiryu explains.

"He said the original story was cut short," Hyoga says. "But he also said the story continued long after the protagonist's demise."

"That's because the original manuscript is now lost, so there's no way to know how the story ended. The one he covered in class ends the story without a complete sentence."

"Koko-sensei also said the author may have intended to write more but never did for many reasons. He said an early death was the cause according to historians," Shun adds.

They review the details of the Tale of Genji story for an hour or so until they settle on a satisfying conclusion, followed by a small break.

"It's afternoon, close to dinner time," Seiya says.

"Let's cover one more teacher," Shiryu says.

"I almost forgot. Our sheep-loving math teacher," Hyoga says.

"Right, right!" Shun nods. "He talked about statistics, though."

"But he also covered some basic formulas. Let's see..." Shiryu opens his notebook. "He talked about the basics of algebra."

"I remember! He talked a lot about equations and percentages."

"That's because he talked about those in the statistics class. He said calculating profit is based on those along with the mean count. You take numbers and calculate them to make the mean or average count."

The boys spend another hour going over their math teacher's lesson. As dinner time approaches, they decide to stop for today.

"It's dinner time and I'm hungry. I bet the rest of you are, too, so I will start the dinner right now," Seiya says.

"We can do more tomorrow," Shiryu says.

"That's enough studying for today," Hyoga says.

"I look forward to Seiya's cooking," Shun says.

"Me too," Ikki adds.

Since they'll return to the library tomorrow, the boys leave their books on the table and exit the room for dinner and rest.

To be continued...

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