Bizarro Dreams EP 12

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This week's Bizarro Dreams features episode 12, where Shun fights Black Andromeda. Shiryu arrives towards the end. No wake-up reaction.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.




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(Bizarro Dreams episode 12)

[Date of event: July 16, Monday - week 3]

[Shun hums through the mountains and sees pieces of Seiya's cloth]

Shun – It's the Pegasus armor. Shiryu did make it here. But what happened to Seiya?

[Shun glances at Seiya below, whose skin is almost dark and still struggling to climb]

Shun – What happened?

[Shun uses his chains to pull Seiya up but Black Andromeda attacks with his own chains]

Shun – A Black Saint!

Black Andromeda – Too bad! You should let him go.

Shun – How come?

Black Andromeda – Because he's affected by the Black Meteor Punch. It won't be long before he dies.

Shun – Are you serious?

Black Andromeda – Let's see who's chains are stronger: yours or my black ones!

[Black Andromeda pulls Shun with his chain, but Shun keeps his grip with his own, leading to an injury]

Shun (thinking) I can't hold Seiya and defend myself at the same time...

Black Andromeda – You better choose. Fight or let him go.

[given that Shun refuses to let go, Black Andromeda attacks with his chains again. The ends of his chain poke at Shun's armor, making holes that result in immense pain. Shun still bleeds though his hand injury]

Black Andromeda – What's wrong? Do you have any last words?

Shun – Yeah! Who are you guys? What's with your armor? Why they're the same as us?

Black Andromeda – Those are dumb questions. We exist to sell toys by swapping color.

Shun – Oh, I expected something mystical. Oh well...

Black Dragon – Black Andromeda, you had enough. (drops from above) He's our enemy but also Ikki's little brother. Finish him quickly.

Black Andromeda – Fine! I shall deliver my Black Fang Nebula!

[Black chains becomes snakes and bite Shun]

Seiya (mentally) Shun... Shun...

Shun (mentally) Seiya? How in the world are you talking to me?

Seiya (mentally) It's cosmos, Shun.

Shun (mentally) Really? I don't remember hearing about it. This is kind of specific and convenient.

Seiya (mentally) How should I know? The plot demands it.

Shun (mentally) You want me to let you go?

Seiya (mentally) No, Shun! Pull me up!

Shun (mentally) As you wish, Seiya!

[Shun lets his chains and Seiya falls deeper and deeper]


Black Andromeda – Wow, you really did it.

[Shun frees himself from the black snakes]

Shun – You have no idea! Now witness! My Nebula Chain!

[his attack kills Black Andromeda]

Black Dragon – Very nice, Andromeda. You got yourself another piece. Pegasus has three, you have two, and I have one. That makes it six of the nine pieces. Let's settle once and for all.

Shiryu (entering) Don't forget about me.

Black Dragon – No way!

Shiryu – I've finally come! Hahaha!

Shun – Shiryu, you arrived!

Shiryu – Shun, you go save Seiya. Since I'll be fighting the strongest Black Saint, I must be aware that any cut will make me bleed out and die. I lost way too much to revive both armors at once.

Shun – They're just Black Saints. It's not that difficult. By the way, be careful. I sense a shadow.

Shiryu – What shadow?

Shun – Look, it's just a shadow. That's all I can say. (runs off)

Shiryu – Okay, I see. Anyway, I'll handle that guy.

Black Dragon – That guy? You say like I'm a cheap copy.

Shiryu – Because that's what you are.

Black Dragon – Hey! That's offensive.

Shiryu – Not as offensive as the pain Seiya's going through.

Black Dragon – Bah! What's the point of saving someone who's dead?

Shiryu – Because he's my friend and that's what friends do.

Black Dragon – Ha! I don't know about that. All I know is that one of you will die. Get ready!


To be continued... 

Campus Sanctuary 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora