Bizarro Dreams EP 19

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Bizarro Dreams episode 19, where Seiya and friends visit a random island to retrieve the golden helmet. Full of gags and parodies. No wake-up.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.




ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Bizarro Dreams episode 19)

[August 13, Monday - week 3]

[Seiya and friends are on a ship because the gold helmet was stolen while Docrates invaded the mansion. The rest of the gold cloth was unfortunately taken to Sanctuary. Seiya, Shiryu, and Hyoga hang outside while Shun sleeps away in his room]

Hyoga – How did that happen?

Shiryu – We never saw it coming.

[Seiya plays the guitar]

Hyoga – Since when Seiya can play the guitar?

Shiryu – Does it matter? This is a filler episode.

[Saori and Tatsumi arrive from a jet]

Saori – I heard what happened, so I want to show appreciation by coming here. Also, I have good news. I used the resources to find where the gold helmet is located.

[Seiya and friends watch a tape recording]

Saori – This is where the helmet is located.

Shun – That's one scary-looking island.

Seiya – Shun, are you scared of ghost stories?

Shun (surprised) Why would I be scared?

Seiya – Then let's go get that helmet!

[the rest agree, and they board a jet]

Pilot: Are you heading to a sci-fi convention?

Seiya (confused) No, we're going to an island.

Pilot – Just kidding.

[they're suddenly attacked by a giant bird]

Seiya – No way! This has to be an illusion!


[the jet drops and explodes. They survive]

Seiya (holding the pilot) Is everybody okay?

Hyoga (shouts) Yeah, we are!

[a sudden green enemy shows up]

Filler #1 – Aha! You survived! Now I'm going to kick your ass!

[Filler #1 attacks and Hyoga flings it high with him. Hyoga makes an iceberg platform with his Diamond Dust attack. Seiya takes the chance to kill Filler #1 upon climbing the platform]

Seiya – Pegasus Meteor Punch!

[Filler #1 dies floating in the sea]

[the party arrives at the island and sees that they must climb the mountain. Seiya tells the pilot to stay since Saori is watching via satellite and will pick him up. They use Shun's chains to climb]

Seiya – Wow, we're pretty high up.

[suddenly, mosquitoes show up]

Shiryu – Shit! Mosquitoes!

Hyoga – I can't take it anymore... (loosens grip)

Shun (holds Hyoga) Don't give up, buddy!

Seiya – Hyoga, this is NOT a horror film!

Shun – Nebula Chain, pull us all up!

[the chains pull them to the top of the mountain]

Seiya (sighs) It's over!

Filler #2 – Not quite!

[a sudden black enemy shows up]

Filler #2 – I hope you like my mosquitoes!

Shiryu – So you're the one!

[Shiryu's blow knocks Filler #2 off the cliff]

Hyoga (shivering) I've spent my cosmo...

Shun – I'll carry you.

Hyoga – Don't bother! I'll catch up once my cosmo returns.

Seiya – Okay, if you say so.

[Seiya, Shiryu, and Shun walk through the forest when they're suddenly assaulted by bats]

Seiya – What the...?

[Shun attacks the bats with his chains]

Seiya – It's just one thing after the other!

Shiryu (run) If they suck blood, we're dead!

[Shiryu jumps into the water but gets blown out and drops to the ground, electrified because of the bats]

Seiya – Why did you do that, Shiryu?

Shiryu – I'll join you once the shock wears off...

[Seiya and Shun travel across the river using the tree trunk as a boat]

Seiya – Shun, I feel as if we're in a parody of a parody of a parody.

Shun – Parody of a parody of a parody?

Seiya – Yeah, we're going through this again because we went through this in the real world, and the episode itself is a parody of horror films.

Shun – Ah! I see...

[a sudden red enemy shows up]

Filler #3 – Haha! I'm going to electrify you!

[Filler #3 knocks them to the water and attempts to strangle Seiya with its tentacles. Shun climbs on the log and uses his chains on Filler #3, who uses his electricity on Shun. Seiya kills the enemy with his meteor punch and climbs on the log]

Seiya – Shun, why?

Shun – Seiya, hurry and get the helmet... (faints)

Seiya – Great! Just great!

[Seiya shows up at a castle where the gold helmet is located and manages to find the room where he sees the helmet. But the thing is an illusion created by the lead enemy, who makes copies to confuse him. Seiya uses his meteor punch, destroying the fakes except the real one]

Seiya – Got it!

Leader – Impressive but not enough!

Seiya – So the lead is a woman?

Geist – That's right! My name is Geist!

[Seiya and Geist exchange blows until the gold helmet slams the lead's mask, revealing the woman's face. She falls face down to the ground. Seiya then grabs the helmet and walks away.]

Geist – Aren't you going to finish me off? I don't want your pity.

Seiya – You'd expect me to finish you from behind? That'll be awful!

[Seiya exits the castle, and morning has risen. His friends have recovered and appear at the castle]

Shiryu – You did it, Seiya!

Seiya – That's right! (shows helmet) Take a look!


To be continued... 

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