Summer Uniform

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Customized summer uniforms debut, along with rooftop access. The BBs head there at lunch to escape boredom. They spot an abandoned soil bed, so Seiya considers growing veggies for his club. Shiryu, who has farming experience, notes the means to develop a successful garden. He meets with the Student Council president and pitches a request.

Class topics for this week (random): Early Human Existence (Biology); World History Origins (English); Deconstructing Math: Statistics (Math); Ancient Western Philosophy: Pre-Socratic (History, Literature)

The weather for today is sunny, cloudy mix.

This week begins the June chapter.



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[June 1, Friday - week 1]

"Good morning, guys!" Seiya greets his friends upon coming downstairs but notices their stare towards him. "What's wrong?"

"Morning, Seiya. It's just that... well..." Shun says.

"You're still wearing the school uniform," Hyoga says.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?" Seiya asks.

"You didn't know?" Ikki asks.

"About what?"

"About summer uniforms," Shiryu says.

"Summer uniforms?" Seiya tilts his head, confused.

"It's in the school calendar. Summer wear starts today."

"For real?" Seiya ponders. "Ah! That explains the stares. You guys are wearing lighter versions of our uniform."

Hyoga sweat drops. "Now he gets it..."

"Oh, crap! Let me go change!"

Seiya rushes upstairs and comes back down less than a minute later.

"That was fast," Shun says.

"It was super easy!" Seiya says with a grin.

"Seriously, an open shirt?" Shiryu sweat drops.

"I don't want to wear that tight. Besides, Hyoga has an open shirt too."

"Well, partially open anyway," Hyoga utters nervously. 

"Okay, but your red shirt is untucked," Shun notes.

"Yeah, but my pants ain't dropping. By the way, you're wearing suspenders. Really? Suspenders for school?"

"Why not?" Shun smiles. "These are NOT the same I always wear."

Additionally, Shun has a chain link on the sides of his pants, with two charms representing the ends of his Andromeda chain.

In addition to an open white-collar and untucked red shirt, Seiya also wears red sneakers. Likewise, Ikki wears the same with a red tucked undershirt and brown shoes. Shun wears a pink undershirt with loafers, and finally, Hyoga wears a partially open white-collar shirt with a blue undershirt and black shoes. Only that of Shiryu's is straightforward.

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