Cleaning Routine Created

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Monthly cleaning is established. The BBs will clean their rooms, while two or three groups will clean the first, second, and third floors, the gym, and the library. Each group will rotate every month.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy.


[May 12, Saturday - week 2]

Midterm exams are finally done! Shun notices visible dust on the shelves as they sit in the lounge.

"It seems this shelf hasn't been cleaned in a while," Shun says.

"We should clean. We'll spend our school years here, so we must do," Shiryu says.

"This dorm is pretty big, so we should split into groups," Hyoga adds.

"Yes, let's split. The first pair will do the first floor and the gym. The second pair will do the second floor."

"We should clean our rooms too, but only each of us must do his room," Ikki says.

"That makes sense," Seiya agrees.

"Afterwards, one of us will group to clean the third floor and the library."

"And for variety's sake, let's rotate every month," Hyoga adds.

"Yeah, once a month is enough, and I like the rotating idea."

"The tools we need to clean are in the laundry storage room," Shun says.

As each BB pairs up, Hyoga and Shiryu will do the first floor, while Seiya and Shun will do the second. As for Ikki, he will clean his own dorm room. Each pair carries a filled bucket, broom, dustpan, and mop. They also have dusters to clean flat surfaces such as tables.

"The thought of cleaning takes me back," Hyoga says, dusting one of the shelves.

"Me too, although I barely did any housework," Shiryu adds, mopping.

"Really? Why?"

"Because I had to reserve for training."

"You had someone, right?"

"Yeah, Shunrei did almost all of the housework."

"That figures."

Meanwhile, Seiya and Shun cleans the second floor.

"You're very dedicated, Shun," Seiya says, observing Shun mop the hallway. Seiya himself is cleaning the study table on the second-floor lounge. He already cleaned the large steel cabinet.

"Thanks. I took care of nearly all housework on Andromeda Island."

"For real? Didn't that distract you from your training?"

"Not at all. In fact, I looked forward to it."

"I never cleaned because there was no need."

"How could you live with the dust?" Shun asks, gasping.

"Shun, there were more important things than housework."

"I understand, but still. I've always cleaned no matter how tired I was."

"Wait? You did housework after training?"

"Yes, I did. My friend, June, helped out too."

After finishing, Seiya and Shun teamed with Ikki to clean the third floor. After cleaning the third-floor hallway, they enter the library to mop the floor and brush dust off the books and shelves.

"I should clean my room as soon as I finish," Shun says.

"I didn't know cleaning is such a hard task," Seiya says.

"If you think cleaning your room is easy, it's not," Ikki says.

"Really? Your room is small. It should be easy."

"There are a lot of corners, Seiya."

"Did you clean while there?"

"Why would I?" Ikki shrugs.

"Asking that would be moot in his case," Shun says.

"What house did you live in, Seiya?" Ikki asks.

"We lived in an Ancient Greek-style housing."

"You mean a house made of mud?"

"Yeah," Seiya responds, nodding.

Afterward, each BB except Ikki cleans their dorm rooms. They take their time cleaning more than the rest of the dorm. They descend to eat dinner once they finish, as cleaning takes an entire day.

To be continued...

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