July Final Exams part 2

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Final exams all day.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.

The answers are at the bottom.

**NOTE** July 18 & 19 will be combined.


[July 18, Wednesday - week 3]

(final exam sample questions)

[Subject: History]

Much of western philosophy comes from:

a) Just Socrates

b) Just Plato

c) Just Aristotle

d) From all three

[Subject: Math]

How do you determine profit?

a) No one can

b) Based on sold vs unsold

c) Too random to count

d) What's profit?

[Subject: Literature]

What's the idea behind Pre-Socratic philosophy?

a) There was no such thing

b) Only Socrates did all the philosophy

c) To explain phenomena without mythology

d) Mythology was a must to explain everything

[Subject: Physics]

Airplanes and jets travel at what speed?

a) Mach 1

b) Mach 2

c) Mach 5

d) At the speed of light


[July 19, Thursday - week 3]

(final exam sample questions)

[Subject: Social Studies]

The Kofun and Yamato periods often cause confusion. Why?

a) They're both the same

b) They're separate periods

c) One of them was made up

d) No such confusion exists

[Subject: Moral Studies]

Who was the one responsible for Shinto and Buddhism to coexist?

a) No one

b) Prince Shotoku

c) Kami-sama

d) The immigrants

[Subject: Biology]

Plants produce photosynthesis for what reason?

a) There is none

b) To produce food

c) To produce oxygen

d) To produce fertilizers

[Bonus question]

Socrates never wrote his teachings. How did he convey instead?

a) Rely on Plato

b) Prayed to the gods

c) He asked to find flaws in logic

d) nothing

To be continued...


Answers: d, b, c, a; a, b, c, c

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