Unwanted Triggers

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Four new students from the countryside transfer and sit in front of the class to compensate for the class shortage. After lunch, Tetsuo is the first new teacher to teach History in the afternoons. His looks resemble a specific Gold Saint BBs used to know. Seiya shivers, leading a confused Tetsuo to ask if he's okay. Back at the dorm, the BBs wonder if the rest of the new teachers will be like this. If so, they'll brace for what's to come.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy.


[May 14, Monday - week 3]

Midterm exams are over, but class must resume. Students take their seats as homeroom teacher Haruka prepares his speech.

"Settle down! I understand coming back here seems sudden, especially after midterms and a student demise, but we must continue. As the director said on Friday, new teachers have been hired to teach today. Thus, one will be here at the end of your lunch period. Be sure to welcome the new teacher, okay?"

Haruka hands to each student the new class schedule.

"This is your set schedule, so be sure to memorize. Losing it doesn't excuse forgetfulness."


"Ah, yes!" Haruka promptly opens the door, and four new students enter, two boys and two girls wearing the school's uniform. "We have four new transfer students coming in today. Introduce yourselves."

"Hi! My name's Jun."

"Yo! The name's Katori."

"Hey, guys! I'm Setsuko!"

"I am Ichina. Nice to meet you."

"These four," Haruka says, "are childhood friends from the countryside, and this is their first time in the city. Make them feel welcome."

One student raises his hand. "What happened to the four that were here?" The student refers to the four empty seats at the front of the class.

"They transferred away for personal reasons, and we had a shortage so that's when those four come in." Haruka then tells the four new students to sit at the empty seats in front of the class and delivers the schedule.

"Wow! Eight transfer students. I never had that much during my years as a teacher. I've always had one or two, but never eight. This will be interesting. Anyway, let's begin with today's lesson."

After morning class ends, lunch begins. Seiya notices one of the new four transfer students staring at them.

"Can we help you?" Seiya asks.

"You look familiar somehow," Katori says.

"I think I've seen you before... on TV," Ichina says.

"Is that so?" Shun asks.

"That's right! Galaxian Wars! I'm such a huge fan!" Setsuko exclaims, rushing towards BB's desk with a notebook at the back of the class. She enthusiastically opens a blank page. "Please! Sign your autograph!"

"Wait a sec! Hold on there," Hyoga objects.

The other three new kids show up at their desks, too.

"I knew it! I never thought you'd be here!" Katori says.

"What brought you here in the first place?" Ichina asks.

"Why would we explain? We're and that's that," Seiya says.

"Don't be rude, Seiya," Shiryu says. "We're here because of obligation."

"Is that so? Regardless, I'm so happy to finally meet you!" Setsuko says.

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