Bizarro Dreams EP 20

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Bizarro Dreams episode 20, where Seiya visits Sanctuary and fights Shaina, then Marin shows up and beats Seiya. No wake-up reaction.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.




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(Bizarro Dreams episode 20)

[August 14, Tuesday - week 3]

[the group watches news coverage of the Colosseum on fire]

Newscaster – Today, a fire broke out at the Colosseum, the very symbol of the Gurade Foundation by the late Mitsumasa Kido. Firefighters managed to save the building from destruction. The cause is unconfirmed, though suspected to be angry fans upset due to the tournament being postponed...

[they turn off the TV]

Shiryu – This is horrible...

Hyoga – Yeah, but why would fans do this?

Shun – Whatever it is, that's no excuse.

Seiya – Saori-san, you should hide somewhere.

Tatsumi – What do you mean?

Shiryu – There is a chance this mansion will be attacked again.

Seiya – Right! You must take the helmet and hide somewhere far away.

[the group reunites outside to see Shun, Saori, and Tatsumi board a helicopter to their destination. Shun holds the gold helmet. The helicopter leaves as Seiya, Shiryu, and Hyoga stay behind]

Seiya – We should consult with our mentors.

Shiryu – I'll consult with my master at the Five Peaks.

Hyoga – And I'll consult with mine in Siberia.

Seiya – Marin should know. She's in Sanctuary, after all.

Shiryu – Seiya, wait! Cover your box first. Going around uncovered would get a lot of attention.

Seiya – That makes sense. Thanks, Shiryu.

[Seiya covers the box per Shiryu's advice and goes to Sanctuary. He walks among the ruins surrounded by tourists. Shiryu's advice works because no one has laid eyes on Seiya carrying it]

Seiya – Okay, I get why the box should be covered. Going around uncovered would've gotten people's attention, given it was shown on live TV during the Galaxian Wars. That or the police. (nervous laugh)

[Seiya arrives at the area far from tourist grounds. Shaina shows up, armored and ready to fight]

Shaina – Seiya! Get ready to fight!

Seiya – No, I want to see Marin.

Shaina – You won't make excuses just because I'm a woman. Get ready!

Seiya – Fine! For the sake of plot, I'm going to kick your ass!

[Seiya uncovers the sheets of the armor box and then pulls the lever. Seiya sweat drops at the idea of putting the pieces manually again, which he reluctantly does in front of an annoyed Shaina]

Seiya – Hold on! I gotta put these...

[10 minutes later]

Seiya – Okay, Shaina, I'm ready!

Shaina – You sure take your time. Even after this, you still don't know how to quickly wear your cloth.

Seiya – What do you want me to do? There's a lot of pieces on this thing!

[Shaina sweat drops, and they fight]

Shaina – Okay, you improved. But you're light years away from defeating me!

Seiya – I'm not the same weak Seiya when I left. I'm more powerful than before!

[Seiya and Shina fight again. But just as Shaina is about to kill a weakened Seiya, Marin shows up]

Marin – Seiya! You shouldn't be here!

Seiya – Marin, I'm here to see you. I need advice.

Marin (knocks Seiya) Then take advice!

Seiya – What was that for?!

Marin – You shouldn't be here! You should be protecting Athena!

Seiya – Wait! Who's Athena?

Marin – What do you mean, who's Athena? If I tell you otherwise, this will lead to a filler episode!

Seiya – A filler episode?

[Marin punches Seiya repeatedly]

Shaina – What the hell, Marin?

[Seiya stares on spot, confused]

Marin – Can't you take a hint?

Seiya – Okay, okay. I'll leave. (runs away)

Shaina (shouts) Marin, You bitch!

[Seiya exits Sanctuary grounds by covering the box again. He roams wondering what's Marin's deal]

Seiya (thinking) What's up with Marin telling me to protect Athena? I'm supposed not to know who Athena is at this point in the story, but this is a dream simulation, so I know who Athena is. Let's see. Saori-san should be hiding at that filler villa in the forest near Mount Fuji.

[With that in mind, Seiya leaves]


To be continued... 

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