Ikki and Kyoko meet again

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Ikki meets with Kyoko after three weeks of hiatus due to midterms and the latter working her part-time job. Kyoko shares her bento lunch with Ikki, who has already eaten his. He blushes at Kyoko's lunch since it's so well set up, unlike his. Not to mention tastier, too. He explains these bento lunches are provided to them. Kyoko says the options could be healthier. He says he'll eat whatever he's given. Kyoko disagrees. She wants to meet again, and he agrees to meet at the same spot and during lunchtime.

Class topics for this week (random): Origin of Life (biology); Origin of the Universe (English); Light Speed Measure (physics); Algebra Basics (math); Ancient Philosophy Basics (history).

The weather for today is sunny.

This week concludes the May chapter.



Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

[May 21, Monday - week 4]

(morning class)

Haruka starts class after taking attendance.

"Although I teach English composition and translation, I also explore the context behind the language. It'll be easier to understand once I explain said concepts. For instance, European thinkers were the ones who came up with the English terms we use to describe the universe. It would seem like common knowledge that the universe started 15 billion years ago, but it's based on the Big Bang theory made up by a scientist."

Seiya stands up. "Haruka-san, are you saying the Big Bang is fake?"

"I never said it was fake. I said it's only a concept, a theory, an idea. Just because something is a theory doesn't mean it's fake or doesn't exist. It's just there and we gain knowledge accordingly. Does that make sense?"

"So there is a scientific chance the Big Bang is real. Okay I get it."

"I got a little jumpy on that one. How many times did I trigger the Big Bang with my cosmo? My cosmos can't be fake because of science."

"I'm glad you understand," Haruka says, nodding.

Seiya sits again, and Haruka resumes the lecture.


While it seems like forever, three weeks have passed since Ikki and Kyoko first met. They meet at the courtyard upon Ikki spotting her and sit on the bench beside her. Kyoko notices him and adjusts to give him space to sit.

"It's been a while," Ikki says.

"It has! But still, I haven't forgotten you."

"I think you said it's because of your job."

"True, but there were also midterm exams and this whole Golden Week thing. Ah! How did you spend your Golden Week?"

"The only thing we did was get new clothes at the store."

"Is that so?" Ikki nods in response. "At least that's something. Golden Week was busy at my job. We only had Saturday off and the reason was it's a grocery store. People buy a lot of food."

"You still got paid."

"Yes! That's the benefit."

"By the way, do you have your lunch?"

Ikki takes note of Kyoko's bento lunch box, which is colorful and looks tasty. It looks similar to her setup back at their first meeting.

"Are you hungry? I'm going to bet your box lunch isn't enough."

"The lunch we get isn't exactly fancy. Just rice balls."

"Just rice balls?" Kyoko asks, surprised.

"They come from a catering company."

"That's not good. You should be eating healthier food."

"Considering my situation, I'll eat whatever I get."

"You mean your celebrity lifestyle? No, no! That's not a good thing. You need to eat well. Here! Have this egg roll." Kyoko lends him her fork.

"Egg roll?" Ikki asks.

"That's the yellow-shaped roll you ate before. Please, take it. I made sure to make it extra tasty just for you."

He sticks the fork in the roll and promptly eats as Kyoko watches. He notices a second roll but stops before picking it since he assumes one is for her. However, she silently encourages him, and Ikki eats the other roll. He drinks a can of soda from the vending machine he got beforehand.

"I know you like my food, Ikki. Ah! Now that midterms and holidays are over, we should meet every day during lunch."

"Right! Same spot and during lunchtime provided you bring box lunches."

"Of course! I'll even dedicate a separate slot just for you. Please look forward to more amazing meals to come."

"You mean more than egg rolls. I'm all for it!"

"Excellent!" Kyoko smiles.

(afternoon class)

"As your history teacher, I will also talk about the principles of philosophy since it's closely tied to history. However, I will focus on the western side, so if you wish to learn the eastern part, Shinnosuke or Yuichiro should fulfill that role," Tetsuo says. "With that said, I'll start by explaining the basics of ancient Western philosophy since they're the foundation of modern philosophy as we know it."

Tetsuo writes on the chalkboard. "In case you didn't know, the founders of ancient Western philosophy are the main trio of ancient Greece known as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These three set the ideas in antiquity."

"Socrates? That sounds kind of familiar." Seiya stands up. "Um, Tetsuo-sensei, by antiquity, do you mean the age of myth?"

"The age of myth? Although I've read rumors about it in a few articles, that's a new one. However, there is no concrete evidence that this age of myth ever existed due to the lack of existing documents."

"You're not going to suggest that the age of myth is a fantasy?"

"Of course not. With history, anything is a possibility. Perhaps the age of myth was real, and the trio of philosophers I talked about existed there. Ironically, Socrates rejected the thought of gods existing among humans but that's an in-depth topic for another time."

"Okay, Tetsuo-sensei, I get it. I look forward to hearing the possibilities."

"You piqued my curiosity with this age of myth, Seiya-kun. I should look into it and present any results in a future class."

Seiya nods and returns to his seat as Tetsuo continues the lecture.

To be continued...

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