July Monthly Laundry

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Shun does laundry with the knowledge he learned from his club. He'll start with the school uniforms since this is his first try. Saori visits at night and increases allowance as a reward. They also tell her about Kyoto.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather is sunny all week.

This week ends the July chapter.


[July 22, Sunday - week 4]

Summer vacation has started, so Shun takes the chance to wash their school uniforms, including regular, summer ones, and PE ones. His friends have brought their uniforms before the wash.

"This will be my first laundry try, so I'll start with the school uniforms. I'll put them together inside this washing machine and pour the detergent I bought. I don't want them to shrink, so I'll keep the water warm. The water will turn cold eventually. I hope this works."

He follows the washing machine instructions and sees the uniforms spin in soap-studded water. "This is much easier than expected, and certainly much better than washing them by hand."

The washing machine finally stops, and Shun removes the uniforms to insert them inside the dryer. He follows the instructions likewise.

"I didn't realize there's a drying machine, but this is much better than hanging the clothes outside, especially when it rains."

The dryer stops, too, and he removes the uniforms to fold them one at a time. He arranges them accordingly, including his own.

"My first laundry try is a success. While I got away by doing all the uniforms, I wouldn't be able to do so with our clothes, so I'll need to do one basket at a time. Otherwise, I wouldn't tell which one belongs to whom. Speaking of which, I should get the chance to do the ones we've always worn, but I must do so in a way that doesn't offend them. That or wait for my friends to bring them. Telling outright would be awkward."

Newly cleaned uniforms are arranged in small baskets. He calls out to his friends so they can pick them up. Seiya is the first to show up.

"Wow, Shun! You really did laundry."

"Yes! I learned the basics thanks to my club. I'll be doing this every month, so you should bring your basket. I'll wash one at a time."

"That makes sense. Washing all our clothes at once would be chaotic."

Seiya picks up his newly cleaned uniform stack and goes upstairs. The rest of the boys do the same, including Shun himself.

Many hours passed, and they ate dinner, for which they sat on the sofa lounge and waited for Saori's arrival. She arrives shortly, sits in the same spot, and spreads five envelopes on the table.

"Aren't you eager?" Saori asks.

"Of course! Summer vacation has started!"

"I know! I've also heard you passed your final exams with high grades. "I'm so proud. As promised, I increased your allowance by twenty percent. I'll do so again on your final exams next semester and every year after that. I'll raise your allowance as much as possible."

The BBs perk up as they reach for the envelopes and see the additional promised money. Though twenty percent may not seem much, it's a start for a reward that will continue to increase gradually.

"Alright! Does anyone have plans..." Before she continued, Saori noticed the boys raising their hands. "...that isn't begging to drop out of school?" The BBs immediately sweat drop because of this.

"Well, Saori-san, remember what we said about meeting a group of students during camp and the chance we'll meet again this summer? Turns out we plan to visit Kyoto," Shiryu says.

"Kyoto, you say?" Saori asks, surprised.

"Exactly what you hear, Saori-san," Seiya says. "We plan to visit Kyoto. But that place is kind of far, and we can't leave you here by yourself..."

"Then you don't mind taking Gold Saint positions right now..." Saori huffs with a popping vein.

"Never mind! We'll go, we'll go!" Seiya sweats.

"We don't have a set date though," Hyoga says.

"In this case, leave the planning to me," Saori states. "By the way, how many of those students who will be joining you?"

"Five teenage girls who are first years like us."

"Interesting." She rubs her chin. "Seriously! Look at all of you living the life of real students. Raising your allowance was a good idea. Perhaps you can handle shopping for groceries at this point. That is, I won't be sending the box with curry goods anymore. You must learn to budget."

"I got a head start by going to the supermarket, so I should be capable," Seiya states. "We'll pool our money, and then I buy our food."

"That's reassuring." Saori nods.

"We wish you can come with us," Shun says.

"Thank you for the offer, but I must oversee the reconstruction for which I cannot travel far. You can tell me all about it when you return, though."

"By planning, do you mean pay?" Hyoga asks.

"Of course! I'll help out with the expenses so you can enjoy a week's stay. Consider this as an extra reward. I'll take care of all the planning, cover the expenses, and send them to you by mail. You should receive them by the end of this week. It's the least I can do since I can't go."

"Thanks a lot, Saori-san," Shun says.

"Not a problem. I'm so glad that your efforts in living student life are starting to pay off to the point you made friends with whom you decided to travel. I've heard that students no longer fear you because of your heavy involvement. That's good! Keep at it because you have two years left."

The chat continues for hours until Saori leaves.

To be continued...

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