Saori's Tanabata Wish

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The BBs study during the day. Saori visits at night.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.


[July 8, Sunday - week 2]

Final exams are approaching, and the BBs have decided to have a group study session until Saori's arrival at night. They head to their dorm's third-floor library and sit on the table to study.

"We have a lot of material, so we should start right away," Shiryu says.

"Do you think final exams will cover midterms too?" Hyoga asks.

"I doubt it. Final exams will focus on topics by the new teachers."

"That's good to know. I feel like I can study better knowing those teachers are the ones teaching those topics," Shun adds.

"With all those new teachers, where should we start?" Ikki asks.

"Let's start with the stuff Haruka-san taught," Seiya suggests. "And while we're at it, we could do Tetsuo-sensei since they teach similar stuff."

"You mean regarding Western Philosophy?"

"Right! Those two did a lot on the main trio, as well as one by one."

"The main trio?" Shun asks, confused.

"Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle," Shiryu clarifies.

Various notebooks and textbooks are scattered across the table. Library books, too. 

"Imagine if those three were Saints," Seiya says.

"They lived in Ancient Greece, so I presume they lived in the age of myth." Shun gasps as if he realized something. "Think they met Athena?"

"You mean the very first Athena?" Hyoga assumes.

Seiya gasps, surprised with his eyes widen. "I wonder what the first Athena looked like."

"Hold it!" Shiryu sweats, stopping them before they go off-topic. "Those three doubted myths so they wouldn't have a business serving any god."

"Socrates was a soldier, so he probably got offers to become a Saint of Athena or serving some other god and declined them all," Ikki says.

"So much trying to imagine them as supernatural warriors," Seiya mutters.

Some of them laugh at Seiya's statement. The study session continues for the rest of the day until they stop for dinner and await Saori's arrival.

"Good evening, everybody!" Saori greets.

"Same here, Saori-san," Seiya says.

"You all seem energetic today."

"We spent the day studying," Shiryu explains.

"I see! You have final exams coming up!"

"Correct! We covered a lot today," Hyoga adds.

"I'm so happy you're taking your studies so seriously. Should you pass your final exams, I will increase your allowance by twenty percent!"

The BBs perk up right away.

"For real, Saori-san?! Thanks a ton!"

"You're welcome." Saori nods. "Summer vacation is coming, and you will need a bigger budget to cover your expenses..."

Saori notices the bamboo with the papers hanging.

"Is that what I think it is?" she asks.

"Yes! Yesterday was the Star Festival, and we wrote our wishes on paper. I plan to keep them up until next month." Shun grins.

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