Garden Proposal Request

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The Student Council delivers the garden proposal letter to the director.

Class topics for this week (random): Socrates, Plato, Aristotle (English, History, Literature); Shinto Philosophy: Jomon (Morals, Social Studies); Mach Speed (Physics)

The weather is cloudy all week.



Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

[June 7, Thursday - week 2]

(afternoon class)

"Today, we'll be talking about speed," Touya says, starting the class lecture. "The amount of speed is measured by Mach created by a 20th-century scientist to calculate the velocity of any given object. Airplanes travel on Mach 1 or less, while fighter jets travel between Mach 1 and 5. Very few people in history managed to break the sound barrier, and those who did were limited to military and scientists."

Seiya yawns to the point Touya notices.

"Is there something wrong?" Touya asks.

"Not against the topic itself but the way you present your lecture."

"Is that so?" Touya tilts his head, confused.

"It's like suited for advanced learning."

"To be fair, I was a university professor so I'm used to large lecture halls."

"Okay, so what made you teach at a high school?"

"It's a long story, but the point is I was offered this job and here I am."

"You say very few managed to break the sound barrier, but what if I say that there are people who can break the sound barrier."

"Are you saying that anyone who isn't in the military or a scientist can break the sound barrier? That's impossible! I never heard such a thing!"

"Then what about the speed of light? Do you think it's possible for anyone with enough skill to travel at light speeds?"

Touya sweat drops. "Listen! Light speed travels at 186,262 miles per second. That insane amount of speed would reduce humans to nothing. And you're saying some skilled people accomplished light-speed travel?" Touya crosses his arms. "Yeah, that's only science fiction stuff."

"No, not really." Seiya shrugs, shifting his eyes.

"Touya-san, you can adjust how you teach," Hyoga says.

Touya glances, surprised by hearing Hyoga speak. "Yes, I should adjust my teaching style. I'm a high school teacher and not a professor. However, I'm NOT going to dumb down nor give easy grades."

The whole class sweat drops.

"With that said, let's continue class."

(after school)

Shiryu and Himeko stand in front of the director's office. The latter knocks on the door.

"Come in," a voice says from the inside.

The pair enters his office, and Himeko speaks up. "Director Mitsuru, thanks for receiving us. I hope you haven't forgotten our meeting."

"If anything, I was expecting you especially when you said that Shiryu has something for me. I've been waiting here until you finished class."

"That's good! Thank you very much."

"Please have a seat."

Shiryu and Himeko sit in the chairs before the director's desk.

"The reason for this visit is to hand you this." Shiryu gives the envelope to the director, who opens it and briefly reads it.

"This is a proposal request," Mitsuru says.

"That's right! My friends and I discovered an abandoned garden on the roof, and we're thinking of reviving it to keep us occupied since we cannot attend PE classes. All of us would benefit from the crops we'd produce."

"I see; it's asking for funds. That aside how come you and your friends went to the rooftop without permission. The rooftop's off-limits."

"Well, um, we just happen to be there." Shiryu sweats nervously.

"Okay, I'll check with the school's finances and let you know next week."

"Thank you, Mitsuru-san." Shiryu bows.

"But only you and your friends shall attend the garden if I approve. We cannot have students going to the roof for security reasons. The Student Council must be prepared to enforce this rule. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Himeko nods.

"Good! Then we'll meet again."

To be continued...

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