49: Meeting the Take Over Siblings

Start from the beginning

"Are they always like this?" I asked the two sitting next to me.

"At least once a day they find something to argue about," the middle child spoke up, "I'm Elfman, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

"And I'm Lisanna!"

"Lyssa, it's nice to finally meet you guys as well. Mira talks about you two a lot, so I'm surprised we haven't met until now."

"I know, right!" Lisanna said, practically bouncing in her seat. "She always talks about you when you two meet up, and even said you were the one that helped her get money for our new house! So we owe you quite a bit!"

"T-Thanks for that, by the way."

"Ah, w-well it was no problem. Ehe..." I replied while scratching my head awkwardly.

'Don't tell them about the illegal fighting ring. Don't tell them about the illegal fighting ring. Don't tell them about the illegal fighting ring.'

"So, how are you guys in a fight?"

'What am I doing!?'

Fortunately, the two weren't exactly surprised by my question. A perk of being in a career with a lot of fighting I guess. "I'm not really all that great in a fight..." the gentle giant squeaked out with a hint of shame in his expression.

"You just lack the confidence, Big Bro! You're plenty strong you just need to apply yourself," the younger responded while hugging him. She then turned to me and smiled before glitter-like sparkles covered her arms as they turned into cat claws. "My Animal Soul magic is pretty useful! Even if I'm not as strong as Big Sis or Big Bro, I can hold handle myself and do things they can't!"

"Like what?"

"Well, they can't fit into small spaces like a gerbil, or hold their breath underwater like a fish or mermaid."

'Don't tell her that you can do that with transformation magic. Don't tell her that you can do that with transformation magic. Don't tell her that you can do that with transformation magic.'

"But people adept with transformation magic can do that."


"Fufufu~! But they can't control animals like I can!" she said with a proud look on her face.

"I...okay, you win," I said raising my hands in surrender. 'Saved!'

Our conversation was cut short, however, by two hands grabbing me by the collar of my sweater. I followed the arms up to Mira and Erza who were staring at each other with pissed-off expressions. "Wait whaAAAAAHH!"

Without me even knowing what was happening I was dragged out of the cake shop by two aggressive women.

And I didn't really mind...

- * -

All of us ended up arriving on the shore of the frozen Lake Sciliora, the usual waves that would be crashing now stagnant under almost a metre of ice.

"Right!" Mira said, crashing her fists together in front of her with a reckless smile on her face, "Today's the day I make you kiss your own ass, Erza! And since you're here, too Lyssa, you can make up for the sparing day you skipped!"

"Fine by m-wait it was a sparring match?" Erza asked, initially matching Mira's eagerness for a fight before looking confused and semi-disappointed.

"Yeah? What else would it be?" "Obviously, thunder thighs."

"O-oh...I see." Mira and I looked at the flustered redhead like she grew a third arm (Not that there's anything wrong with having extra arms and I'll punch anyone that says otherwise!).

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