(28) Appa

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Taehyung stood outside the school gates, his heart fluttering with anticipation as he waited for his son, Taemin, to come running towards him. Ever since the first hearing of court, their daily meetups had become a lifeline for Taehyung, a precious moment of connection with the son he adored.

As Taemin emerged from the school building, his face lit up in a bright smile when he saw his father waiting for him. "Taetae!" he called out, rushing into Taehyung's open arms.

Taehyung scooped Taemin up, spinning him around before setting him back down on the ground. "Hey, buddy! How was school today?" Taehyung asked, ruffling Taemin's hair affectionately.

" great! my math test!" Taemin exclaimed, his eyes shining with pride. He showed taehyung a paper. It was his maths test in which he scored 10/10.

Taehyung beamed with pride at his son's accomplishment. "That's amazing, baby! I'm so proud of you," he said, planting a kiss on Taemin's forehead.

As they walked hand in hand towards the park, Taemin suddenly tugged on Taehyung's hand, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

The little boy smiled brightly and said,


The moment Taemin uttered the word "appa" for the first time, Taehyung felt as if his heart had been set ablaze with an indescribable warmth. It was a simple word, just two syllables strung together, but to Taehyung, it held a world of meaning, a promise of a bond that transcended time and distance.

As he knelt down in front of Taemin, his eyes brimming with unshed tears, Taehyung felt a surge of emotions wash over him - pride, joy, love, and a profound sense of responsibility. He had waited for this moment for what felt like an eternity, yearning to hear his son acknowledge him as his father, to affirm the connection that bound them together.

"Appa," Taemin repeated, his voice soft and hesitant, as if testing out the word for the first time. And in that moment, Taehyung felt a rush of emotion so overwhelming that it threatened to engulf him entirely.

Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes as he wrapped his arms around Taemin, pulling him close in a tight embrace. The weight of the word "appa" echoed in his ears, resonating deep within his soul, filling the void that had lingered within him.

As he held Taemin close, feeling the beat of his son's heart against his chest, Taehyung made a silent vow to himself - a vow to cherish every moment, every word, every smile that passed between them. He would be the best father he could be, he promised himself, to protect and nurture Taemin with all the love and devotion he had to offer.

And as they stood there, locked in an embrace that spoke volumes without the need for words, Taehyung knew that this was just the beginning - the beginning of a journey filled with laughter and tears, challenges and triumphs, but above all, a journey bound by an unbreakable bond between father and son.

As they finally pulled apart, Taehyung brushed away the tears that had escaped from his eyes, his gaze locked with Taemin's. And in that moment, he saw reflected back at him a love so pure and unconditional that it took his breath away.

"Yes baby, I am your appa" Taehyung whispered hoarsely, his voice thick with emotion "I love you more than words can express."

And as Taemin beamed up at him, his eyes shining with innocence and trust, Taehyung knew that this was where he belonged - in the embrace of his son, in the warmth of his love, in the newfound role of being called "appa" for the very first time.

Soon enough, Taehyung saw a hint of uneasiness in taemin's eyes. As if he was hesitating to say something.

"Is there anything you want to tell me, Bub?"

Taehyung asked, Cupping taemin's cheeks in his large hands.

"Chimmy wanna go pinkick"

Taehyung frowned in confusion.

"Pinkick? Ohhhh you mean picnic?"

Tae chuckled at his son's cuteness.

"Okay..We will go picnic tomorrow! Near the Han river! The father and son duo is going to enjoy!!"

The older male exclaimed with excitement but Taemin pouted and shook his head as no.

"Chimmy, Appa and eomma go pinkick"

He said,

The mention of Jimin caught Taehyung off guard, his heart clenching and smile fading at his son's demand.

"Buddy, I... I don't think that's a good idea," Taehyung hesitated, unsure of how to respond to his son's request.

"NO! Eomma, Minnie and appa go pinkick!" Taemin said folding his hands to his chest while stomping his feet on the ground

Taehyung paused, torn between his own feelings of hatred for Jimin and the fear of reopening old wounds. But as he looked into Taemin's earnest gaze, he knew he couldn't deny his son's request.

"Plwese appa..." The little guy showed his puppy eyes which taehyung just couldn't resist. So he sighed and said,

"Fine. We'll invite eomma to join us tomorrow, okay?" Taehyung finally relented, a feeling swirling in his chest.


The sun was setting on a warm summer evening as Taemin bounded into the living room, his eyes shining with excitement. He went to jimin, who was washing dishes in the kitchen
"Eomma," he called out softly, his voice filled with hope.

Jimin looked down at him.

"Hmm?" He replied not paying much attention to the little guy and continued washing dishes.

"Appa, Chimmy and eomma go pinkick tomorrow!"
He exclaimed with a cute smile.

Jimin froze for a second. He knew what pinkick meant but what he did not expect was Taemin calling taehyung appa. Moreover, getting asked to join them.

Jimin hesitated, torn between his own hurt and his love for his son, same as Taehyung.

"I don't know, chimmy. I think it's best if we just stay home tomorrow," he said softly, trying to keep his voice steady , resuming his work.

But Taemin's face fell, his lower lip trembling. "Eomma, plwese" he pleaded, his eyes brimming with tears.

Jimin felt his resolve weakening at the sight of his son's distress. He couldn't bear to see Taemin upset, not when he was the light of Jimin's life.

"I...I'll think about it, okay?" he said

"No no no! No think!"

Jimin sighed, turning off the tap and drying his hands with the towel hanging nearby.

He placed his hands on his waist, looking at his dramatic son, Of course, He was Taehyung's son, he won't give up until he gets what he wants.

"Fine. We'll go...Happy?"
Jimin said finally, giving in to Taemin's pleading gaze.

Taemin's face lit up with joy, and he threw his arms around Jimin in a tight hug. "Thank you, Eomma! You're the best," he exclaimed, hugging his eomma, his happiness infectious.

Jimin couldn't help but smile at his son's enthusiasm, feeling a warmth spread through his heart. "It's just a picnic, not like we are getting together again duh"
Jimin thought, Hugging his son back.


You guys ready for the pinkick?

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