(23) Let's meet

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Jimin sat on the edge of his bed, his phone pressed to his ear as he waited for the other person to pick up.

He needed someone to talk to, someone who could help him make sense of the mess his life had become.

After what felt like an eternity, Yoongi finally answered.

"Hey, Jimin,"


Jimin whispered,

Yoongi's voice came through the line, filled with concern.

"What's up? You sound like you're about to break down."

Jimin took a deep breath, trying to steady his trembling voice.

"I... I Want to tell you something. Are you free right now?"

"Yeah of course I am always free for you, Minnie...Tell me what happened?"

Yoongi said as gently as he could

"I saw Tae..Taehyung yesterday,"

Jimin confessed, feeling a lump form in his throat.


Yoongi asked, Shocked

"I...I don't know how he got to know Taemin's school and our adress bu-but he...He said that he will take some le-legal action and take Taemin away fr-from me"

Jimin spoke, Breaking down

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Yoongi spoke again.

"I can't believe this"

Yoongi said, his voice laced with disbelief.

"Don't worry Jimin-ah, He can't do anything"

"Hyung he already did"

Jimin cried,

"What did he do?"

Yoongi prodded, his tone growing more concerned by the second.

"He... he's filed for custody of Taemin,"

Jimin revealed, his voice breaking as he spoke his son's name.

"Even I can't believe this is happening, hyung. I thought I had moved on from him, but...But now suddenly after 5 y-years he's back and threatening to take m-my son away from me."

Yoongi let out a heavy sigh on the other end of the line.

"I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you."

"I don't know what to do, hyung,"

Jimin admitted, feeling a wave of hopelessness wash over him.

"I thought I had finally found some peace after all these years, but now it feels like everything is falling apart again."

Min sobbed,

"Listen to me, Jimin,"

Yoongi said firmly.

"You are a great lawyer and Taehyung has no right to take Taemin away from you. We'll get through this together, okay? You're not alone in this."

"I can't live without my son, Hyung. He's my everything"

Jimin said, feeling the fear within him take over.

"Don't worry, We won't let him take our taemin away. We'll do everything we can. I am with you. Your hyung is with you jimin"

Jimin sniffled,

"Thank you, hyung,"

He said gratefully.

"I don't know what I would do without you."

"Hey, that's what family is for,"

Yoongi replied warmly.

"Now, tell me everything that happened when you saw Taehyung. I want to know all the details."

Jimin recounted the unexpected encounter with Taehyung out side Taemin's school, how his heart felt heavy when he saw him and how his stomach had dropped when Taehyung had revealed his intentions to take Taemin away from him.

Yoongi listened attentively, offering words of comfort and support as Jimin poured out his heart.

When Jimin had finished telling his story, there was a moment of silence before Yoongi spoke again.

"That bastard! How can he suddenly come up and blame you for everything? Fucker can't even understand somebody else's point of view"

he said angrily.

"After everything he put you through, he has the nerve to come back and try to take your son away from you?"

Yoongi sighed, trying to calm himself down

"You're stronger than you think, Jimin,"

he reassured him.

"You've been through so much and you've always come out on top. This won't be any different."

Jimin nodded, feeling a sense of determination begin to take root within him.

"You're right, hyung,"

he said resolutely.

"I won't let Taehyung win this time. I'll fight for my son with everything I have."

"That's the spirit,"

Yoongi said approvingly.

"We'll figure this out together. You're not alone in this, Jimin. I'll visit you tomorrow"

Jimin could feel his heart fill up with warmth. One thing he was the most thankful for was yoongi. His hyung, Who had always helped him. Always stood up in front of Jimin to protect him from the harsh world.

As jimin ended his call with yoongi his phone buzzed with a new message, and he glanced down to see the name Jungkook flashing on the screen.

He frowned as he saw his name, his mind immediately flashing back to the day they had met in Seoul.

Jungkook had been a breath of fresh air in Jimin's life, a friendly face in a city that often felt cold and lonely.

The message read

"Hey Jimin, it's Jungkook. I'm in Busan for a few days and I was wondering if you'd be available to meet up. I'd love to catch up."

At first, Jimin's instinct was to ignore the message.

After all, he had enough on his plate with Taehyung's sudden reappearance in his life and the threat of losing custody of Taemin looming over him. But then, a thought occurred to him.

Jungkook was a lawyer, just like Jimin himself.

Perhaps he could offer some valuable insight or even help Jimin navigate through this difficult time.

After some internal debate, Jimin finally replied

"Hey Jungkook, it's great to hear from you. I've been going through a tough time lately, and I could really use a friend right now. Let's meet up."

As soon as he hit send, Jimin felt a sense of relief wash over him.

It had not been too long since he had seen Jungkook, still the thought of catching up with a friend lifted his spirits.

After a minute Jimin recieved another message from jungkook that said

"Awesome! Let's meet tomorrow at the restaurant near commodo hotel?"

Min thought for a moment before replying

"Okay! Let me know the time"

The conversation ended with jungkook finalising the time.

They decided to meet at 6 P.M


Are you ready for some court fight scenes?? whose side are you on?? Jimin or Taehyung? 🌚

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