(27) The first hearing

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The courtroom buzzed with anticipation as Jimin and Taehyung, both impeccably dressed in their lawyer attire, stood on opposite sides of the room. Jimin's heart raced with nerves and determination as he prepared to fight for custody of his son.

Jimin's eyes met Taehyung's across the room, and he could see the coldness in his ex-husband's gaze. The judge called the court to order, and Jimin took a deep breath, ready to present his case.

"Your Honor," Jimin began, his voice steady but filled with emotion, "I am here today to fight for custody of my son, Taemin. I believe that I am the best parent for him as I'm the one who gave him birth. He knows me and I know him the best."

Taehyung scoffed, a smirk playing on his lips. "Your Honor, I must object to this claim. Jimin may have given birth to Taemin, but that does not make him the better parent. I have just as much right to raise our son."

The judge listened attentively as Jimin and Taehyung presented their arguments. Jimin spoke passionately about the bond he shared with Taemin, the late nights spent soothing him to sleep, the early mornings filled with laughter and love.

"He can't live without me. I love my son more than Mr. Kim can ever do"

Taehyung, on the other hand, argued that he was just as capable of providing for their son, despite his past mistakes.

"My son needs a better environment, A stable income to get his wishes completed. Here, I present you mine and Mr. Park's work details. As you can see the amount of cases he gets are not enough for a child to live a peaceful life. To fulfill all his desires"

"I object, My lord! Despite facing challenges and hardships, I had always put Taemin's needs first, prioritizing my son's happiness and development above all else"

"Your honour,  it is important to remember that I have faced my own challenges and struggles, and I deserve the opportunity to prove myself as a capable and loving father. Denying me custody would not only be unfair to me but also detrimental to Taemin's relationship with his father. Taemin has a right to maintain a meaningful relationship with both of his parents, and denying me custody would deprive him of the opportunity to bond with his father and benefit from his love and support."

"My lord, Taemin doesn't need HIS love and support. He simply can not provide anything expect hurt and betrayal to him and I don't want this to happen to my son"

As the arguments continued, tensions rose between the two lawyers. Taehyung's words cut deep into Jimin's heart, reopening wounds that had never fully healed. Jimin felt a surge of anger and frustration building within him as Taehyung painted a false picture of their past relationship.

"Your Honor," Jimin interrupted, his voice trembling with emotion, "Taehyung may stand here today and claim to be a fit parent, but he abandoned me on our wedding day without a second thought. How can he be trusted to put our son's needs above his own desires?"

Taehyung's face darkened with anger as he retorted, "You know as well as I do that you were at fault that day. I left But that doesn't mean I don't love our son just as much as you do."

"How was it my fault Kim? You were the one to leave me standing at the altar and you expect me to give MY son to you just because you come up after 5 damn years claiming that you love yourself him??-"

"Order! Order!"

The judge interrupted
He watched the exchange carefully, weighing each argument presented before finally speaking.

"It is clear that both of you care deeply for your son, Taemin. However, I must consider what is in the best interest of the child. I will need time to review the evidence presented before making a decision on custody. I will give you both a date for another hearing. Till then, The child will stay with Mr. Park and Mr. Kim has all the rights to visit the child whenever he wants. The court is adjourned and the next date is 2 June, That is, A month later from now."

As the first hearing came to a close, Jimin felt a mix of relief and anxiety wash over him. He knew that the battle for custody was far from over, but he was determined to fight for his son with every fiber of his being.

As Jimin and Taehyung left the courtroom, their eyes met once more. There was a flicker of something in Taehyung's gaze, a hint of regret that Jimin couldn't quite decipher. But in that moment, Jimin knew that he would do whatever it took to protect his son and give him the loving home he deserved.

The fight for custody had only just begun, but Jimin was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And as he walked out of the courtroom, a sense of determination filled his heart, knowing that he would do everything in his power to ensure that Taemin would always be safe and loved.

On the other hand with taehyung, He knew that there would still be challenges ahead, but he was grateful for the opportunity to continue building a strong relationship with his beloved son, Taemin.

As Taehyung left the courtroom with determination in his heart, he knew that he would always strive to be the best father he could be for Taemin. With a renewed sense of purpose, he looked forward to creating lasting memories with his son and being a positive influence in his life for years to come. And as they walked out into the world together, father and son hand in hand, Taehyung knew that their bond was unbreakable and their future bright with promise.

Both the parents determined to get their child. This is how the first hearing was for Jimin and Taehyung and they were ready to work hard for the next one.


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