(22) Papers

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Jimin sat in his car, staring out the windshield with a blank expression on his face.

His mind was racing with a million thoughts, each one more chaotic than the last.

He couldn't believe what had just happened.

After five long years, Taehyung, had shown up out of the blue and dropped a bombshell on him.

As Jimin sat there, trying to process everything that had just happened, he felt a small hand on his arm.

He looked over to see Taemin looking up at him with wide, worried eyes.


Taemin called softly.

Jimin's heart clenched at the innocence in his son's voice.

"That man...Who?"

Jimin took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before turning to face Taemin.

"That... that was someone from a long time ago,"

Jimin replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

"You don't need to worry about him."

But Taemin wasn't convinced.

"But eomma, Man hug chimmy"

Jimin's chest tightened as he remembered the way Taehyung had embraced their son.

He felt a surge of anger and protectiveness rise within him, and before he could stop himself, he snapped at Taemin.


Jimin's voice came out harsh and biting as he yelled at Taemin for the second time and he immediately regretted it as he saw the hurt in Taemin's eyes.

Taemin recoiled slightly, his lower lip trembling.

"Chimmy is sorry eomma"

Jimin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to collect himself.

"Come here"

He reached out and pulled Taemin into a tight hug, making him sit on his lap, trying to reassure him that everything was okay.

"Eomma got so worried...You should've been careful right? "

Jimin asked softly, pressing a kiss to the top of his son's head who nodded his head wiping tears by his tiny hands.

"Sorry baby, I yelled at you twice...Eomma is just stressed right now."

As Taemin nestled into his eomma's embrace, Jimin's mind continued to whirl with anxiety and fear.

He couldn't believe that Taehyung had shown up after all this time, and now he knew about Taemin.

Jimin had worked so hard to build a life for himself and his son, away from the pain and heartache of the past.

But now, all of that seemed to be crumbling around him.

His head was pounding with the weight of it all, and he pressed a hand to his temple, trying to ease the ache.

He couldn't let himself fall apart now, not in front of Taemin.

Still, Remembering what Taehyung said to him bought tears in his eyes.

He couldn't even bear the thought of losing his son.

A single year rolled down his cheek as he heard Taemin.

"Eomma no cry. Chimmy promise to be a good boy"

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