(21) The Confrontation

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The man finally turned around showing his face

As soon as jimin saw who it was, The emotions from his face drained.

For a moment it was just him staring at the male with pure shock...

He took a step back unknowingly in surprise making Taemin look at his eomma with a confused gaze

It was the first time after 5 years, A mix of emotions flooded his heart. Anger, hurt, and betrayal all bubbled to the surface as he struggled to process the sight of the man who had left him on their wedding day.

All jimin hoped for was to never lay eyes on his ex-fiancé again.

The pain and betrayal from the day Taehyung had left him at the altar still haunted Jimin, and he had worked hard to move on and rebuild his life without him.

But here he was. The nightmare himself.

As soon as he saw Taehyung, Jimin's first instinct was to turn and walk away.

He didn't want to face the man who had broken his heart so cruelly.

Who took away everything jimin had.

But something held him in place, It was like he couldn't move no matter how much he tried.

Jimin saw Taehyung approaching, his body tensed and his hand clenched into fist while the other one held Taemin firmly.

Taehyung drew closer and Jimin found himself rooted to the spot, unable to tear his eyes away from the man who had shattered his heart.

He could feel his heart racing in his chest, the cursed memories of their past flooding back with a force that threatened to overwhelm him.

The hurt and betrayal that he had buried deep within himself resurfaced, threatening to consume him once again.

As Taehyung stopped in front of him, Jimin's breath caught in his throat.

He struggled to maintain his composure, to keep the flood of emotions at bay.

His eyes brimmed with tears, and he fought to hold them back, unwilling to show any vulnerability in front of the man who had caused him so much pain.

Jimin gulped the lump that formed in his throat before saying

"Taemin. Get in the car"

He said not tearing his firm gaze away from taehyung who stared back at him with the same boldness

While the little boy gave a concerned look to his eomma.



Jimin yelled, Finally looking at his son who got scared by the sudden change in voice.

The poor child made his way to the car without a word

"You can't talk to him like that"

Taehyung stated in his cold voice causing jimin to look at him

"Oh really? Why? He is MY son I can talk to him however I want..I don't want a stranger's advice on how I should talk to MY son...who are you to tell me that...Why does it both-"


Taehyung shouted, Enraged. His fists clenched and his chest heaving with anger. Jimin looked at him, eyes widened in shock as he realized that Taehyung had found out the truth. He took a step back, his heart pounding in his chest.

He saw Taehyung's eyes glistening with tears still his eyes looked like they had fire ignited within them.

"Now YOU tell me...Who gave YOU the right to keep a father away from his son?"

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