(7) Feelings

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Mr. Kim chuckled...

"Oh, Jimin. You're such a naive young man. This is how I make my money. And besides, it's not like anyone is getting hurt."

Jimin shook his head in disbelief...

"People are getting hurt, Mr. Kim. Innocent people are being affected by your action...Thousands of people are dying because of this addiction... You need to leave all of this behind and start fresh...A guy passed away and his parents came to me...You can still be a good person by doing good deeds... "

Mr. Kim's smirk turned into a scowl...

"And who are you to tell me what to do? You're just a lawyer, Jimin. You don't know anything about real life."

Jimin took a step forward, his voice firm.

"I may not know everything about real life, but I know enough to know that what you're doing is wrong. You need to stop before it's too late."

Mr. Kim laughed, shaking his head.

"You're a funny one, Jimin. But you don't scare me. I'll do what I want, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Jimin clenched his fists, his frustration growing...

"That guy was just 17! He and his parents deserve justice!"

"Let me remind you...It's not going to be as easy as you think"

"Justice isn't always easy to find, but it's always worth fighting for"

Jimin repeated his grandpa's words

"You're making a mistake, Mr. Kim. You're putting your family in danger, and you're going to regret it one day..."

Mr. Kim shrugged.

"And you're putting your marriage with my son in danger...But anyways...We'll see about that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to..."

Jimin watched as Mr. Kim walked away, feeling defeated. He knew he had to keep fighting, but he wasn't sure how...

He came back to see Taehyung who was looking so happy...Jimin's eyes teared...

Am I doing the right thing?

Was the only thought that came into jimin's mind...

He turned around wiping his tears as soon as he saw taehyung looking in his direction...

Soon he felt a hand on his shoulder...Jimin turned around to find a worried taehyung...

"Are you okay?"

Jimin nodded...

"Tae...Can we go somewhere else? I'm feeling suffocated here"

"Sure love...Let's go to the hotel room"

The couple made their way towards the hotel room...

The room was dimly lighted, Giving romantic vibes...Taehyung saw a bottle of vodka with two glasses on the coffee table that was decorated with rose petals near sofa...

Taehyung chuckled walking towards the table

"Looks like they want us to do something"

Jimin just simply sat on the bed...Deep in his thoughts...

"You want some?"

Tae asked pouring himself a glass of vodka...

Jimin hummed...Taehyung turned to his fiance with two glasses in his hands...

He gave one to jimin...

As they finished their drinks, Jimin knew that he needed to tell Taehyung the truth about his father. He took a deep breath and gathered his courage.

"Taehyung, we need to talk about your father,"

Jimin said, his voice serious.

Taehyung looked up at him, his eyes clouded with confusion and desire...

"Can't we talk about it later? I just want to be with you right now."

Jimin's heart skipped a beat as he looked at Taehyung...Whose eyes were showing different emotions like lust and love...Tae couldn't resist the intense attraction he felt towards Jimin...He leaned in and kissed him deeply, their tongues intertwining in a passionate dance.

As they kissed, Jimin forgot about everything else. All he wanted was to be with Taehyung, to feel his body against his own. He ran his hands through Taehyung's hair, pulling him closer.

He moaned softly as he felt Tae's lips on his neck. He wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist, holding him tightly...

Taehyung layed jimin on the bed hovering over the smaller male...
His hands were all over him, pulling him in for a deep kiss. Jimin moaned into the kiss, his inhibitions fading away with each passing moment.

Taehyung's hands roamed over Jimin's body, and he could feel himself getting lost in the moment. He knew he should tell Taehyung about his father, but he couldn't bring himself to do it when they were both so drunk and caught up in their passion.

Instead, he let himself be swept away by Taehyung's touch, his mind clouded with desire and pleasure. They kissed and touched each other for what felt like hours, until They finally collapsed in a heap of limbs and laughter...

As they lay there, tangled together  panting and giggling, Jimin knew he had missed his chance to tell Taehyung about his father. But for now, he was content to just be with his boyfriend and forget about their problems for a little while longer...


You unholy people better not ask me for details

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You unholy people better not ask me for details...

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