(6) Engagement

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The venue of Taehyung and Jimin's engagement ceremony was a sight to behold. The entire area was decorated with an array of vibrant flowers and sparkling lights that illuminated the space with a warm and welcoming glow.

As guests arrived, they were greeted by an archway of cherry blossom trees that led them to the entrance of the venue. The trees were adorned with delicate pink and white blossoms that swayed gently in the breeze, creating a magical atmosphere.

Once inside, guests were greeted by a stunning display of floral arrangements that adorned every corner of the room. Roses, peonies, and hydrangeas in shades of pink, blue, and purple were arranged in elegant vases and placed on tables throughout the space.

The stage where Taehyung and Jimin were going to stand was draped in luxurious silk fabric in shades of blue and pink, matching their traditional Korean attire...As both the male decided to wear blue-pink combination...A backdrop of twinkling fairy lights added a touch of magic to the scene, creating a romantic ambiance that filled the air.

As the sun began to set, lanterns were lit and hung from the ceiling, casting a soft warm light on the guests below. The flickering flames created a cozy and intimate atmosphere, making everyone feel right at home.

Taehyung stood at the stage waiting for Jimin to show up...He was excited and anxious...These Mixed feelings made him overwhelmed...

As the guests settled into their seats, the music began to play, signaling the start of the ceremony. All eyes turned towards the entrance as Jimin entered...Looking down shyly

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat as he caught sight of his fiancé....He stood there frozen gazing at his fiance who looked absolutely stunning in his traditional Korean attire, a deep shade of pink that complemented his skin tone perfectly. The intricate embroidery on his hanbok shimmered in the light, adding a touch of elegance to his already striking appearance.

As Jimin made his way down the aisle, Taehyung couldn't take his eyes off him. He was in awe of how beautiful his fiancé looked, and he felt his heart swell with love and admiration.

As Jimin reached the stage, he took Taehyung's hand and they exchanged a smile that spoke volumes...It was clear to everyone in the room that they were deeply in love, and their bond was unbreakable.

Taehyung leaned in close to Jimin and whispered in his ear,

"You look absolutely breathtaking."

Jimin blushed at the compliment and squeezed Taehyung's hand in response...

But soon his eyes fell on taehyung's father who was sitting in the front row with a straight face...

The ceremony began with a traditional Korean drum performance, filling the air with an electrifying beat that set the tone for the evening. Then, the couple's families and friends approached the stage to offer their blessings and well wishes...

Taehyung's dad came and placed his hand on his son's shoulder smiling...He then turned to look at Jimin and gave him a smile too...But that smile seemed fake...Jimin forced a smile back...

One by one, they stepped forward and placed a small gift or envelope containing money into a special box that had been prepared for the occasion. This was a traditional Korean custom known as pyebaek, where the groom's family presents gifts to the bride's family as a sign of respect and gratitude...For jimin...His grandpa was his only family...Who finally came on the stage...The couple smiled bright at him while he kissed jimin's forehead like a loving father and pulled taehyung in for a hug....

After the pyebaek ceremony, Taehyung and Jimin exchanged rings and smiled at each other...The audience erupted into cheers and applause, and the couple shared a sweet kiss on stage...

As the night went on, guests enjoyed delicious Korean cuisine and danced to upbeat music...

Jimin looked around and saw taehyung's father going somewhere while on a call...This was his chance to confront him...

Min decided to go behind him but he was pulled back by his wrist, crashing onto someone's hard chest...

He looked up and saw taehyung frowning...Tae leaned down towards jimin's ear as it was too loud because of the music.

"Where are you going?"

He asked and jimin kissed his cheek in response before standing on his toes and leaning towards Tae's ear

"Going to the washroom...I'll be back"

He stood straight and saw tae nodding

"Come back soon"

Tae pulled away from Jimin and continued dancing...


"What about that deal? Did they remove the ban?"

"No boss"

The guy on the other line told Mr. Kim

"The fuck? How are we going to Transport those toys to Hwang?"

"I have no idea sir..."

Mr. Kim sighed...

"Send one man to talk to the chief and bribe him with some money..."

"This is risky-"

"Do as i say! We need to transport those toys to Hwang as soon as possible"

"And what is there in those toys Mr. Kim?"

Mr. Kim heard someone say from behind...He looked back and saw his soon to be son in law...

The middle aged man hung up on the call and frowned looking at Jimin

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is...The 'Toys' that you were talking about contains drugs...Isn't it?"

Jimin said dead serious...Making the older male infront of him chuckle...

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