chapter fifty-four

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Antonia S.

Today was the day, I still couldn't believe it. Luckily there was a three week break between the races, the next one would be Monza at the end of September, but so we had enough time to fully celebrate our wedding.

Today was the first day, the big ceremony, though we had signed the papers at the government office yesterday, so technically we were already married, but this here today was the real thing, manifesting our love in front of god.

As it was pretty a tradition for Carlos and his family to get married in a church, being very religious, I of course accepted that as I had also been growing up with the Catholicism. 

"Are you nervous?" Reyes asked me as she was doing the last parts of my hair.

"Yeah, a little." I returned but smiled.

"Wow you look amazing my love." my mother said as she entered the room, her eyes widening as I slowly stood up, already in my white dress.

Minutes later also my dad entered the room and he also was stunned by my outfit as he was the only one in this room who hasn't already seen it. Two months ago I had been dress shopping with Reyes and my mother and they had helped me to pick the right dress, I really loved Carlos's mom.

"He is as nervous as you, so no worries." my father smiled as he stepped closing, taking my hands, "You look stunning my daughter, all grown up, I still can't believe you get married today."

"Me too." I whispered back and a tear ran down my face as I also saw some water in my dad's eyes.

Not half an hour later it was about time and we drove to the church. It was a little one, just an hour south from Madrid and I had already fallen in love when Carlos had showed it to me. Spain was just different and I still couldn't believe that this was my new home, with my soon-to-be husband.

"Ready?" my father asked me as we stood in front of the big doors of the church, my arm linked in his.

"Yes." I breathed back, my voice trembling.

I held my breath as the door opened and we stepped in, slowly walking between the bench rows to the altar. My eyes got all watery as I saw Carlos, standing in front in a dark suit, catching his breath.

As I came closer I also saw some little tears running down his face and heart beat fastend as we finally arrived at the front.

"Take good care of her." my father said to Carlos as he handed me over.

"I will, forever." the Spaniard returned and as soon as my father had stepped away his eyes were on me again.

Then the ceremony started and the priest welcomed all the guests and us. The next half an hour was filled with words and music, before it was finally time to read out our vows, me first.

"Carlos" I breathed and then cleared my throat to get back my voice, "You stepped into my life when I least expected it and you turned it upside down. As much I tried to convince myself back then, it wasn't crazy, on the contrary, it was amazing, you were amazing."

I made a break and looked from my little paper up, into his eyes. He warmly smiled at me and I calmed down even more, he was just my anchor and I would always feel safe and calm around him.

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