chapter two

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Antonia W.

The testing days had been pretty busy and I had been on duty from the early morning to the late evening. But nevertheless I hadn't had much time to talk to Carlos and Checo besides quick strategic talks about the car or tires.

Mostly the had talked with their engineers and they reported the important things to me. Also Ricky had took care of a lot of things for me because honestly it was a lot. But I tried to stay strong and kept going because I wanted to prove myself, I needed to.

My father gave me this opportunity and if I couldn't take it, it would be my end in the motor sport for Audi. Everything was so all over the place last autumn when I was told to get the chance to be the team principal. To be honest it wasn't planned and in that short time period I hadn't really managed to prepare 100 percent.

Today was the Thursday of the first race weekend and I was pretty excited on the on hand but on the other side I was scared. Everybody was looking at us and I felt the whole pressure on me. New team, new team principal and then I was a woman.

Of course the media and people always say the aren't sexist but I knew they were looking extra because I was female. I therefore sighed before I took one last breath and stepped into the media panel. 

"Let's stay at the plan and we only try to do two interviews before we leave again." my media manger told me.

She was usual Checo's PR but Ricky wasn't here at the moment, he was picking up Luca from the airport. The last week he was with my parents in Germany but I needed to see him again. Even I knew it was gonna be a busy and chaotic weekend, I needed him.

He helped me to switch of in the evening and to not fully bury myself in work, but I was also scared that if I focus on him then my work would suffer. I was under so much pressure and I didn't really now how to handle it.

"Welcome to Formula one Toni, are you excited?" the interview started and I put on a smile and answered.

Half an hour the dozens of interviews were done and I was a bit relieved, one part done for today. A couple of people were making pictures of me or tried to asked me questions when I was on my way back to the garage.

In front of Audi were standing many people, most of them I didn't know but then I saw a black tuft of hair and immediately felt a bit lighter. Carlos was always chilled the last weeks and didn't seem stressed or nervous. He was just in the flow and excited for everything that comes up. 

It was really nice having him in the team. He relaxed the atmosphere a bit and when he was around all the stress seemed a bit gone. However I hadn't had much time to actually talk to him, we often had communicated over some engineers or other people.

But now he was standing there and when the crowed parted I saw his father standing next to him. Carlos Sainz senior was part of the Audi family for a long time already, he even knew my father but I had never met him.

"Toni, nice to finally meet you." the older Sainz said and we shook hands.

We had a bit of small talk where Carlos also talked a bit but the conversation was mostly between me and his father. After we said good bye Carlos and I went side by side into the hospitality.

"You okay?"

I rushed my head and looked at the Spaniard at his sudden question. We locked eyes for a moment but then I shook my head and turned my head again, away from him.

Team Principal | Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now