chapter fourty-eight

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Antonia W.

The last weeks had been anything but chilled and relaxing. It had been pretty busy and stressful, also emotional as there was the trial where Thomas and Sebastian got officially arrested and had to go to jail for many years, for many things but especially the murder of Grace.

It had been a hard time as the empty feeling inside me often overcame me and I started crying without a real reason, but Carlos was always there for me. My parents thankfully helped with Luca and he had been staying with them a couple of days so I could calm down again.

The Spaniard had never left my side and was always there for me not matter what day or time and together we even organized a little funeral for Grace, where even Carlos's parents arrived to. They were so kind and despite having this thing between us at the beginning, I really liked Carlos senior now.

Today was nearly a month later and I was on my way to the paddock as Luca and I had landed just two hour ago here in Spain. It was already Saturday but things at the headquarters kept me busy and from what I had heard, Ricky did an amazing job as my stand-in.

"Can we go and see Carlo?" Luca beamed and jumped next to me as we walked over the parking area.

"Of course honey, we go straight to the garage and look for him." I returned and a little smile appeared on my face.

This whole drama with Sebastian and Grace and all that brought the two of them even closer together and it really felt like he was Carlos's son, more and more, and I loved it.

"Hello Toni, hi Luca." a German voice greeted us, "Arriving for the weekend?"

"Yeah." I laughed and turned towards Toto, who was joining us on our way to the entrance, "Too much work at the headquarter so we just arrived here."

"Oh yes I know that situation, never ending work and things you can do."

We laughed as we scanned our passes and entered the paddock. Luca immediately snatched his hand from mine and started running over to the Audi hospitality and garage. Immediately the smile on Toto's face disappeared.

"I have heard about what happened in Monaco, I am so sorry, I hope you are fine again." he said worried and slowed down a bit.

"Thanks." I returned and gave him a slight smile, "I am okay, some wounds take longer time to heal but physically I am good again."

"That's good, I can understand that." the German said and laid his hand on my shoulder as we stopped in front of the Mercedes hospitality, "You can always call me if you need something."

I thanked him and then a big smile appeared on his face.

"But I'm not sure if I can give you any advice, you're doing an amazing job here, really."

"Thanks Toto." I smiled at him.

"No for real, you're great. From the beginning I saw that you would smash this." he said before he started laughing, "Even though I haven't seen the thing with Sainz coming."

"Yeah, it just happened." I returned and looked down, unsure if he was okay with this or found it weird.

"I saw that." he laughed, "But from what I see and hear you are great together and Luca loves him. I'm glad you have someone who is there for you, especially in such times, where your child got murdered."

"Our child, ours, Carlos's and mine." I croaked and felt tears coming up.

"Oh my god I am so sorry." the German said immediately and pulled me into a hug, "I wasn't thinking sorry."

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