chapter fifty-three

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Carlos S.

The two ways were over unfortunately but the time we had spent here was more than perfect and we would always remember it, especially because of the engagement. I really had proposed, I still couldn't believe it.

Never in my life had I been that nervous, but as I had seen the little smile on Antonias face, held her hand in mine, everything was fine again, everything was perfect, especially after she had said yes.

"Let's go, to Luca and your parents." Antonia sighed as she let herself fall on the seat next to me.

"Hm." I just mumbled and started the engine.

It wasn't quite the destination I had in mine as I had an another surprise for her, one that she had no clue about. As I drove on the highway Antonia plugged her phone in and started some music, some Spanish one.

I looked at her and had to smile, my fiance, I still couldn't believe it. After half an hour a new song started and it gave me some memories, but Antonia was quicker to open her mouth.

"You remember the party in Austria, where we danced to this song?" she giggled and looked over at me, a big grin on her face.

Te besaré toda la noche y te haré gritar mi nombre.

I could never forget that night, the one where she kissed me for the first time, the night where the air was on fire between us.

"Of course I remember mi amore, you got me crazy that night." I smirked back before I focused on the street again.

Suddenly I felt her hand on my thigh and as I was just wearing short she immediately touched my naked skin. Her hand slowly stroked up and down on the inside of my leg, goosebumps instantly building up.

"Says the man who started the kissing and dancing." Antonia giggled and continued her movement with her hand.

"I just couldn't resist you, in that red dress." I breathed as my body tensed under her touch, "You just looked so incredibly hot, you know."

"Of course, that's why I had chosen it, I hoped it would have that effect on you."

My eyes widened and I looked between her and the road.

"W... What?! You did that on purpose, you wanted me to get hot over you in that dress?!"

"Maybe." she returned, all innocent with a smile on her face, while her pinkie finger touched the slight bump in my shorts.

"God, Antonia Winter you're the death of me." I groaned and tried to focus on the road.

"Not for long." she giggled and I raised an eyebrow in question, "Since wearing this beauty, I'm already half a Sainz so better practice that name." 

Antonia held up her hand with the engagement ring on it and I started smiling.

"Of course my beautiful, amazing fiance, my love, Mrs. Sainz."

A hot feeling went through my body as I said that, as it was the first time I called a woman that, Mrs. Sainz, my Mrs. Sainz, god how perfect that sounded.

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