chapter five

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Carlos S.

There were already a lot of people when I entered the restaurant. It wasn't a typical dinner, it was more like an event with small tables and a big buffet on the side. A bar on the other side of the big room completed the whole look.

As I looked around I saw many familiar faces as Antonia had invited all the people from team, from the mechanics over the food stuff to the engineers and strategists, and obviously the drivers.

Checo was standing a couple of meters next to the entrance with his wife and his his eldest son. I sighed at that look as I was remembered once more that my girlfriend wasn't here. But maybe it was better this way because Isa would haven't been happy here as she liked Ferrari so much more, like she always said.

She hadn't even been here, with Audi and all the people who belonged to this team so I didn't understand why she had that point of view. All the people here were so nice and warming and it was way more relaxing to work with them than with Ferrari.

My look went over the crowd and I thought about where I should go first, my race engineer or my teammate and his family. The decision was taken from me as Carola took her son on the hand and disappeared into the crowd.

"Congratulations again, great job mate." the Mexican said as he stepped next to me.

"Muchas gracias. You also had a good race so you can also be proud. It was the first race so we both could be proud."

"Yeah right, I think the team did a really good job, they are great."

"Yes they are." was all I could say and I wasn't sure if we were speaking about the same thing as I spotted Antonia in the crowd.

Unfortunately a man stepped between and I couldn't see her anymore so I focused on Checo again. Luckily he hadn't noticed my look and we chatted a bit about the next race and the whole team dynamic. Like myself he was very pleased with the circumstances so far, because the last year at RedBull wasn't also the best for him.


Suddenly I felt little arms around my leg and heard Checo laugh as I looked down at the boy.

"Hey buddy, everything good?" I asked as I gave him a high five, before I picked him up so he was on a level with Checo.

The Mexican looked a bit confused and quickly looked around to see where the boy was coming from.

"But this isn't your..." he didn't finish the sentence and the little awkward silent was broken by Luca.

"I am Luca." the kid said and stretched his hand out to greet Checo.

After I was surprised by his good manners I wanted to clear the situation but I was interrupted.

"Yeah, no he is"

"He is my son." Antonia said and stepped next to us.

Immediately I let Luca down as I didn't want to give her the feeling that I am taking the boy away from her. At the same moment Carola and Sergio came back and Luca quickly started talking to the other boy.

"Nice party, thanks for the invite and we speak later." Checo suddenly said and after he and his wife said good bye to Antonia they went over to some mechanics.

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