chapter three

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Antonia W.

Tensed I looked at the small red car in front of me. Today was the first race of the season and I was nervous. Maybe I was the wrong person for all of this, maybe I was not good enough. These thoughts replayed in my mind for the last days, especially after the first two practice sessions.

The cars and the setups were a mess at first but we worked hard and yesterday Carlos even ended up in Q3 and finally on P7. Unfortunately Checo wasn't that good but a P12 for him was also a good result, despite all the problems we had during this weekend.

"Toni are you coming down, the strategist want's to speak to you." Ricky said as he put his head in my office on the way down.

"Yeah yeah just one minute." I answered but he was already gone.

I was happy to have him because he always helped me with all the stuff we had to do and also looked after me that I got my breaks. Since my father told me that I would be the new team principal of Audi Ricky was by my side and I was very thankful for that.

My finger brushed over the red material and I sighed, may this car bring me luck. The weekend was very chaotic so far and I was glad that Luca was here because he took my mind of during all the work and in the evening. He mostly spent time with the hospitality staff and I was glad that he was in good hands there.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

I jerked my head up as I heard the deep voice with an unmistakable Spanish accent. Other than Ricky Carlos not only put his head between the door, he opened it and stepped into my office, before he closed the door behind himself.

"Yes everything is top." I said but it sounded not as true as it should, which was why Carlos stepped a little closer towards me and the desk I am sitting at.

"You sure?"

He really seemed worried but he was one of my drivers and shouldn't think of all the stress the team and especially I have, he should only focus on racing and the car. Therefore I put on a smile and stood up.

"Yes, and if you and Checo get a great result today it's even better."

I went over to the door and opened it. Carlos grinned and winked at me as he also turned towards the corridor. However he stopped as he was right next to me and the smile disappeared.

"No but for real, if you need to talk about I am here for you, Antonia."

With that he looked me deep into the eyes and then left. He was long gone when I was still standing in my door and reviewing the last moment. The way he said my name, my full name not the short version everybody called me, released a weird feeling in my body.

I didn't had time to think about it further as someone shouted my name from below. Quickly I ran the stairs down and then over to the garage, where I had some last talks with every party, engineers, strategy and all the other important people.

When I had a small break between all these conversations I saw how Ricky gave Luca headphones in the back of the garage. A big smile appeared on my face and a calm feeling went through my body. It was more than important for me that he was here today.

"Hey my boy, you excited for the race?" I asked Luca after I stepped over to the barrier behind which he was sitting.

"Yes. I hope Carlo win."

Team Principal | Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now