chapter thirty-eight

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Antonia W.

The trial had been over a couple weeks ago, Sebastian had gotten twenty-five years. For abusing, blackmailing, child abduction and attempted murder. It had been a hard time but Carlos was always there for me, for us.

Now was already the penultimate race of the season, here in Qatar. Max had won the championship already a couple of races ago so there wasn't any big excitement in that any more.

However there was also the constructor, and yes RedBull had it already but the fight between third and fourth was still on. As Carlos and Checo had some very good results over the last weeks, we managed to overtake Mercedes, who were now just a little behind us.

With two races to go there was still everything possible but we really wanted that third place so we would give everything. It had been crazy and stressful last weeks and so also our relationship was a bit on the sidelines.

Therefore Carlos and I were really looking forward to the break. Right after the final race we would fly over to Spain, meeting his parents, which I was really nervous about. Then of course there was the Autosport Gala and then the winter break.

"Read for the weekend, it's gonna be exciting." Carlos mumbled into my neck and started kissing it.

"Hm" was all I returned and leaned back against his chest, while looking out the hotel window.

"Which surprise should we do first?" he asked and laughed slightly.

"Mama, papa! Good morning." Luca beamed and hugged our legs as he came running out of his room.

"I guess you have your answer." I giggled and went over to the bathroom, leaving the boys alone.

As I came back I saw Carlos kneeling down to be on the same height as Luca, holding the boys little hands in his. My sons jaw dropped and also Carlos had a little tear running down his face. I just leaned against the door frame and looked at the picture in front of me.

After some moments Luca turned his head towards me.

"Is that real?"

I also felt the tears building up in my eyes and nodded my head.

"Yes my love, it is. Do you like that?" I asked, unsure of what Luca will say to that.

Since the trial it was official that Sebastian would lose his custody for Luca. After that Carlos and I did some research and the Spaniard instantly was the one suggesting it, now he had told Luca, who still couldn't believe it.

"So you're my real dad now?" he stuttered and Carlos nodded, tears running down his face.

"Yeah, if that's okay with you, if you're happy about this.

"Happy?" Luca asked and I got scared for a moment, but then he kid fell around Carlos's neck, "That's so cool, I have a real dad now, a papa that I love and one who loves me, this is the best day ever."

I sighed and smiled at the scene in front of me, Carlos also very happy, that the body was so glad and happy about that decision that Carlos was no officially his stepdad. For Luca though he was his real dad, and to be honest I also saw it that way.

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