chapter four

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Carlos S.

"So that's the checked flag. P3 mate, congratulations."

"Yes! Vamosss!!!" I shouted into the radio after I had crossed the finish line.

Luckily Hamilton and Leclerc had a little incident on the last lap and I could overtook them, otherwise a better result than P5 wouldn't had been possible. But now I was standing on the podium, at my first race for Audi, at the first race of Audi.

"Congratulations Carlos, well done and really deserved. Our first race, your first race for the team, we couldn't have a better start, well done." 

I heard Antonias voice over the radio and I was glad at that moment that nobody could see my smile, because it grew even bigger after hearing her voice. I really hoped she had enjoyed that race, at least a little bit.

When I had seen her before the race and to be honest it had been for the last days the same, she was so tense and nervous to make a mistake and of course it was her job to do everything perfect and get the best results but she was putting too much pressure on herself.

Before I could think of it any longer I reached the end of my inlap and stopped the car. Whilst I jumped out of the car I searched the crowd of mechanics for her, but she wasn't there. I was a bit disappointed because I would have loved to celebrate with her.

Not because she was any different than other members of the team but because I know how much she worked for it. Every day since testing she was the first one in the garage or her office and the last one to leave. She really gave everything and she deserved this P3 as much as I did, if not even more.

The next ten minutes went completely in front of me and I did my interview and then relaxed in the cool down room with Verstappen and Norris but I just felt so washed over. So many emotions and feelings went through my body it was crazy because we hadn't even won the race or anything like this.

"And our third place today, for the newest team Audi, we welcome Carlos Sainz from Spain."

Cheers and loud shouts were audible as I left the building and ran out to the podium. Quickly the other two followed and after the Dutch and Austrian anthem we got our trophies. As soon as I had mine in my hands I looked down to my team and there she was.

Luca was on her hip in her arm and was smiling so big like I was standing on the top of the podium. It made me a little extra proud when I saw him looking at me like that. Then my eyes wandered to his mother and she also smiled proudly at me.

We locked eyes for a moment but then I felt cold champagne on my face and noticed that Verstappen and Norris had started the spray. Quickly I opened my bottle too and shoot back. Pretty soaked and with my trophy in my hand I walked back to the garage before I started all my interviews.

When I came back most of the people were already gone and some mechanic told me about the evening program, as Antonia had invited all of us to a little party at a restaurant, for the great start of the season.

I quickly thanked the man for the info before I looked around to find the woman speaking of. When I didn't see her in the garage I went over to the hospitality where I only saw Luca, sitting on a table and drawing something.

"Hey buddy, do you know where your mama is?"

Surprised he looked up but as soon as he recognized me his eyes grew big.

Team Principal | Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now