chapter fourty-one

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Carlos S.

As expected my dad wasn't that happy with Antonia being here, and he showed it. Because of that Antonia already had given me question looks since our breakfast together, but I always said it was nothing or I wasn't sure.

We were now arriving to the karting track, my favorite one as it had all started here. The track was a bit outside of Madrid and as we had booked the noon it was completely empty just then men from the track where there and welcomed us warmly.

"I wanna race the fast cars." Luca beamed as he was walking on my hand towards the track.

"You wanna? How about we get you a suit first." one of the man laughed and showed Luca the way, Antonia and my mother followed them.

My dad and I were left outside next to the cars and I took that opportunity.

"Why are you so weird since she's here, what's your problem?" I asked him very direct as the others could come back any minute.

"She's the problem my son, don't you see that."

"No, why? I love her and Luca, they are my family." I returned harsh as I wasn't getting my dad's point.

"Yeah family." he laughed sarcastically, "You're not even married to this woman."

I also laughed, now I was getting his way. I already noticed and heard from my mother and also them, that my relatives weren't that amused about me being with a woman, who already has a child.

In our tradition and very religious country and families it was the other way around, first marriage then the children. And of course the child wasn't even from me, that was the next scandal. I know it was the twenty-first century but some of my older relatives were very religious and strict about that.

 "If it's just the marriage we can change that, it's always an option. But with or without the ring and paper this is my family and I love them as they love me."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." my dad said and quickly looked over to the building.

"What do you mean?" I asked him in return.

"She's Audi's boss, her father owns the company and she suddenly comes out of an abusive relationship and he child got kidnapped, by his own father. You know, these stories are a bit too big for you and they seem not always true."

"Don't you dare."

"Believe me son, she's using you for good press, media or whatever, maybe even against her ex I don't know. But please don't go for that, you have your whole life in front of you, you can race as long as you want and then get children after you married a woman you love."

"I love her and Luca is" I stopped as the little group came back from the building, Luca in a race suit.

"Our little boy is all ready to go." Antonia smiled and gave me Luca's helmet, "He wants tip from his papa now, the best racer on the planet."

Luca and her giggled while my mother just watched the scene with a smile on her face, my father didn't.

"Papa?" he asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Come on Luca, I show you the fast cars." I quickly said to the boy and went over to the cars with the men from the track.

My dad didn't know that I had adopted Luca and I was sure that if I would tell him, he would get mad even more. I really didn't understand why he was so against me and Antonia. If the relatives and that marriage thing was the only problem, yeah then I would marry her, but I was sure there was something else.

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