chapter thirty-three

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Carlos S.

I need you.

After Antonia had sent me these words I immediately stopped my conversation with my engineer and nearly ran over to her father's office. There I knocked on the door but couldn't wait any longer, so I just opened it.

I wasn't sure if she had told him something, something about us. But as soon as I had opened the door and saw his face I knew she hadn't. His jaw dropped and for a moment I was scared that his heart stopped beating.

Then he shook his head and stepped over.

"Hello Carlos, sorry but my daughter is here, do you need anything important?"

Now I was the one confused and looked behind the man, where Antonia was sitting on the floor, her back against the sofa, head in her hands, crying.

"Ehm... Antonia texted me?" I said slowly, as I wasn't sure how much he knew and how much Antonia wanted him to know.

But as his jaw dropped even more and froze in his movement I understood that he knew that I was her boyfriend. Well, not me exactly but the man entering the room and considering the look on his face, he was way more surprised then seeing an alien.

"Y... You are the one talking about? You are her... boyfriend?" he stuttered and it was the first time I saw him like that.

To be fair I hadn't met Albert Winter a lot before but he never seemed the guy to be unsure or surprised by everything, I guess I fulfilled that today.

"Yes sir I am." I said confident, before looking over his shoulder again, "Can I now go to her? Se clearly needs me."

Albert was too perplex to return anything so I closed the door behind me and walked past him to Antonia, at who I knelt down, next to her.

"Hey mi amore, everything will be fine." I whispered and placed a kiss on her hair, wrapping my arms around her, "But please stop crying. I am here now, we can do this."

She clung onto my arms but slowly stopped crying.

"I... I am so sorry Carlos... I never wanted to make us public to my dad like that... I am so sorry." she said and started crying again.

"Shh... it's fine, it's okay. I love you and I don't care who you tell okay? Because I love you no matter what someone say or do, you and I this is everything that matters."

She nodded her head and snuggled closer to me in my arms. We then sat there for a couple of minutes, just cuddling whilst I brushed over her back in order to calm her down. Then someone cleared his throat and only then I remembered that her father was also in the room.

"So... I am a bit overwhelmed with everything I must say." he said and slightly laughed, "I thought you fell in love with an engineer."

"I never said that." Antonia returned quietly and her father laughed even more.

"Yeah I get that now. During your whole story I thought about what engineer can it be, but no one came to my mind but now everything makes sense."

I was too scared, too unsure what to say so I stayed quiet.

"Are you mad?" Antonia asked after some moments of silence and we both looked up to her father.

"No, my kid, how can I be mad at you for falling in love, but I am surprised and have so many questions." he said and then got more serious again, "I want to speak to Carlos alone. How about you go to your office and after I come over and we discuss what we do about Sebastian."

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