chapter twenty-two

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Carlos S.

Today was the last race Sunday before the summer break. The last weeks had been good results for the team, Checo had even won a race, but I hadn't done it, only one second and one third place.

Today was also the first day, that Antonia was alone here, with Luca of course. But the last weekend either her father or Sebastian accompanied her. Albert was nice though, he liked me obviously more than Sebastian, but he always made clear that his daughter was my boss.

I knew that of course, but the evening in Austria kept replaying in my head and the more I tried to not think about it, the more I craved to do it again, hold her, touch her and kiss her. It was like I had tasted the forbidden fruit and now wanted more of it.

"Good morning mate, you're in your thoughts or why didn't you see me at the parking space?" Lando said as we entered the paddock next to each other.

"Oh hello, yeah just thinking about something." I returned and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Not something, someone, and I bet my car on it that this persons name starts with and A and her son is your biggest fan."

"Oh shut up." I laughed and slapped his arm, but the Brit just giggled.

Since that evening in the bar, where he had discovered my feelings for Antonia, I told him everything about it, as he was still one of my best mates here.

"But I heard that she's alone today so you made should shoot your shot." Lando suggested and I raised my eyebrows.

"Where do you know that from?"

"You told me you muppet, yesterday as you called me, crying in my ear how much you missed her and how much this Sebastian was freaking you up, how scared you are about her and Lu"

"Okay, okay I got it, can you please stop shouting it through the paddock." I said and looked at him seriously.

"Okay fine, but please speak to her, I can't hear your whining all over the summer break so today is your last chance." the British driver returned and winked at me.

"But how should I do it, she practically doesn't speak to me if not necessary and never alone."

"Her son likes her, doesn't he? Take that for your advantage." Lando said and shrugged his shoulders before he went into the McLaren hospitality.

Okay, that wasn't quite nice and fair but as I had thought about it for a couple of hours, it still seemed like the best plan and I was really running out of time, as the race was about to start. My qualifying yesterday wasn't the best so I was sitting in P7 right now.

But my start was great and I managed to gain some position, still it was a whole race in front of me. The strategy calls were pretty decent and in the end I was on P4, a solid result. Checo had managed to hold his position and bring it over the line so he finished in P2.

Another podium for the team meant a really good mood in the garage and everybody was happy, also Antonia as I watched her hugging some mechanics and of course her son. Lucky for me the kid then saw me and ran over.

"Carlo! You did a great race and Checo is even on the podium, so good." he beamed and I quickly took him up in my arms, as I was already showered and changed.

Team Principal | Carlos SainzWhere stories live. Discover now