chapter fifty-two

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Antonia W.

"When have you planned all that?" I asked, smiling at Carlos as we had finished our main course.

The Spaniard gave me a warm smile and raised his glass, so I could toast with him, "That will remain my secret."

I couldn't return something on that and just grinned happily at the man in front of me before I took a sip of my red wine, which was delicious like the rest of this dinner. Out of nowhere a waiter had appeared and served us all the food.

I had laughed and wondered where he had came from but Carlos said I shouldn't focus on that to much, but we had a laugh about it. Same was now as he came and took our empty plates, before he served us the last course.

It was each a plate with a cream or cake on it with little fruits and leaves on top, it looked amazing.

"If you need anything else just call me, otherwise I wish you an amazing evening." the waiter told us as a good bye, meaning that he wouldn't bother us for the rest of the evening.

Suddenly all the feeling that I had felt since our arrival here came up and I brushed a tear aside, looking from the food, over the sunset on my left to the man in front of me.

"It's perfect." I breathed, locking eyes with Carlos, "You are perfect."

"Only the best for the best woman on this planet." he whispered back and took my hand that was laying on the table, between the candles and your glasses.

We then ate the dessert in silence, but it wasn't bad, it was perfect. everything we wanted to say was between us and we knew it, we didn't even need to say it out loud. Our love, this perfect evening, this day, the last 400 ones, this was us and I loved it.

After I had finished my food I took my wine glass and slowly stood up, walking barefoot a couple meters towards the sunset, which painted the sky in all the beautiful colors. In the distance some birds were flying over the sky and I even saw three deer.

Suddenly I felt Carlos warm hands wandering over my waist from behind, crossing in front of my stomach as he bumped his chest against my back. Hit hot breath next to my ear and I hummed satisfied as I leaned my head back against his shoulder.

"Do you think she's out there somewhere?" I whispered after some time and nodded slightly towards the sky.

"Yes." Carlos breathed back and tighten his grip around my waist, "She's somewhere there, looking down to us, being proud of you and everything you've done. She'll always be there and we will always remember her."

As I felt something wet on my naked shoulder I slightly turned my head and saw that Carlos was crying. The tears also were running down my cheeks and I just joined our lips without saying another word.

It didn't need words to express what we were feeling, this connection towards each other but also to Grace, who was somewhere out there in the sky, watching over us. As we broke apart I looked over the sunset again, whilst Carlos laid his chin on my shoulder.

Some time later I had finished my wine and Carlos carefully took the glass, in order to bring it back to the table. Before he did so he gave me a last kiss on my cheek and I smiled towards the sinking sun as he stepped away.

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