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I gradually woke to the sweet sound of birds tweeting high above in trees and the soft spring breeze occasionally hitting my face. I smiled in contentment, becoming aware of Lesso's arm around my waist. 

My elation didn't last long as I suddenly remembered where we were. My eyes snapped open and I sat up, wrapping a blanket when I realised I wasn't wearing anything underneath. 'Shit, what time is it?' 

'Calm down, it's only about half 5.' Leonora mumbled. 'We've got time to get up.' 

'No we don't, breakfast starts at 6 and you know some students like to be up early! If we're caught-' 

She grabbed my hand, looking up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes. 'Katherine, chill. We'll get up now, and head back up to the castle. We'll go back the same way we went so we don't run into anyone.' 

'Okay.' I got up, grabbing my clothes before getting dressed. She followed suit. 

'Way to ruin the moment.' She commented. 

'Hey, don't be like that.' I half-smiled. 'Last night with you was incredible.' The memories of last night came flooding back and I felt myself blushing. 

'Yeah it was.' She agreed. 'Right, you ready?' She finished buttoning up her shirt and took my hand. She made the blankets, pillows and canopy disappear before we headed up the castle, going back the same way we came. We didn't encounter anyone on the way back again, luckily.

 We soon reached my dorm and Lesso gave me a kiss before leaving. 

I couldn't stop the happy smile forming on my face as I headed into my dorm. Last night was perfect, and I owed it all to my girlfriend. I actually found myself singing to myself like an Ever princess as I showered before getting ready for the day. I giggled to myself as I stepped out of the shower. What was she doing to me? 

I quickly dried off, changing into some black skinny jeans, a dark blue chiffon long-sleeved shirt, some black combat boots, and my leather jacket. I kept my hair flowing free. I added my sword belt and holster, before putting my bag on my shoulder and heading down to the dining hall for breakfast. 

I found the group in our usual place and got myself a coffee and a Danish pastry before joining them. 

'Here she is, doing the walk of shame.' Hester cackled. 

'What?' I stared, sitting down between Hort and Beatrix. 

'We went to your dorm last night.' Anadil explained. 'When you weren't there, we pretty much guessed who you were with.' 

'Oh, for fuck's sake.' I felt my face heating up. 

'Oh my god, so we were right!' Hester howled with laughter. 'Hort, your sister's a strumpet.' 

'Leave her alone.' Beatrix laughed. 'And least someone around here is having fun.' 

I sipped my coffee, acting casual. 'First off you lot, keep your voices down, there's students everywhere. And secondly, you're acting like it was a random fling. It happened to be a romantic date night with my girlfriend.' 

'Who also happens to be the Dean for the School of Evil.' Hort snickered. 

'Oh shut up.' I rolled my eyes. 'Onto other topics, how was parents day for you all yesterday?' 

Beatrix's face turned serious. 'Well let's just say my mother and father stormed out when I introduced my girlfriend.' 

I raised an eyebrow. 'They do know about the school reform, right? And yet, they're throwing a fit because you're dating a Never?' 

'They were hoping I'd end up with a prince like Tedros.' She shook her head. 'I don't care about that. Things didn't work out with Tedros because he fell in love with Agatha. Besides, Hester treats me a lot better.' 

'They'll eventually come around, they're your parents.' I assured her. 'How did your parents react, Hester?' 

'I wouldn't know, they were a no-show.' She shrugged. 'No surprise there.' 

'It's all good, I had to put up with my mother telling me she didn't want me to turn out like my father and waste my time with sword-duelling class.' I rolled my eyes. 

'Look at us all, bonding over our shitty parents.' Hort grinned. I shook my head at his childish demeanour. 

'I'm certainly going to miss you guys when you leave.' I tore bits off my pastry, smiling. 

'We're still coming to see you over the summer.' Dot reminded me. 

'Yeah, we'll obviously have to sort it out for when I'm not with Lesso.' I nodded. 'But yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to it.' 


My first class was History of Good and Evil, and I knew it was going to be boring, so I just sat in the back, resting my chin on my crossed arms, on the desk. The classroom pretty quickly filled up with students, and Professor Safer started the lesson. I took my notebook out, pretending to take notes when really, I was reminiscing about last night. 

The door opened, bringing me out of my happy thoughts as Sage came in, apologising to the professor for her lateness. I rolled my eyes, casting my eyes downwards at my blank notebook again. She crossed the room, sitting in the only empty seat which was next to me unfortunately. I looked up in annoyance. She smiled tentatively, and I frowned in confusion before returning a polite smile, and turned to face the front again. 

I knew my parents eventually had to be told about me and Lesso but I wasn't sure when would be the right time. I guessed I'd have to tell them after I graduated next year and we could properly be together then. 

'Miss Hook, are you even listening?' Professor Safer asked sarcastically. 

I looked up in irritation, but before I could make a biting comment back, Sage jumped in. 'It's okay professor, I saw her taking notes.' She lied. 

I narrowed my eyes at her. Why was she suddenly jumping to my defence? 

The Professor luckily let it go, and I nodded at Sage, acknowledging her offer of support. I decided I probably should take some notes down, and started focusing on the lesson. 

The Definition of Insanity | 𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 𝐿𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang