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The next week seemed to drag seriously slow, like a werewolf dragging its prey across the ground. I was actually excited for Friday, because it was the day we unlocked our magic with finger-glows. And then Saturday was the Evers and Nevers ball. Apparently this year it was going to be mixed between the two schools because of the reform. It ought to be interesting. 

The past week hadn't been particularly eventful, I'd been really busy studying and creating a new dress for the ball. I did cheat a little bit with magic but I didn't pretend to be a great seamstress. The only part of the week that was stimulating in any way was my classes with Lesso. She hadn't sought me out in secret since I'd got her confess how she felt about me and we'd kissed, and I'd start to think she'd gone back to ignoring me if it weren't for the flirty looks exchanged when people weren't looking. 

It was currently a Monday afternoon and I was sat in Lesso's villainous talents class, where she was trying to get students to progress on their talents before we unlocked our magic.  

Currently, Allegra was conjuring up fire creatures and making them randomly attack, but not fatally wound (we weren't allowed to kill anyone before graduation). I sent a small jet of water towards a fire dragon that came too close to me. Allegra smirked. 'Nice one, Katherine.' 

Suddenly, a fire wolf started advancing on a student, Gideon, making loud snarling noises and Gideon kept magically chucking objects at it, trying to keep it at bay. We all turned to Gideon, distracted, as the wolf carried on advancing, taking swipes at him. I heard Sage laughing. 

'Allegra, call it off!' Lesso demanded. 'You know you're not supposed to kill anyone before graduation!' 

'It's fine, I've got it under control!' Allegra shouted distractedly, trying to dispel other creatures whilst the wolf was still coming at Gideon. Sage was still cackling. 

I had to do something; that wolf was going to kill Gideon. 

I sent a huge cascade of water at the wolf, causing it to disintegrate completely, and I concentrated on using the water to eliminate the other fire creatures until they were all gone and the room fell silent. 

'What the hell, Katherine?' Allegra yelled, turning on me. 'What did you do that for, I clearly had it under control!' 

'You didn't, that wolf was about to kill him.' I argued. 'I was just trying to help.' 

'Yeah, well I didn't need it, you were obviously just showing off.' She laughed nastily. I narrowed my eyes. Why was she being like this? 

'Allegra, what is your problem?' I questioned. 

'I don't have a problem, I just don't like you embarrassing me.' She returned to her seat, flipping her dark blue hair over her shoulder. 

I was actually speechless. I rolled my eyes in response, also taking my seat at my desk. 'Fine, I won't help next time if you're going to have that attitude.' I muttered. Lesso caught my comment and smirked. 

I shook my head but couldn't stop myself from smiling. I noticed out of my peripheral vision, Sage leaned over and whispered something to Allegra who briefly looked over at me and smirked. Since when did Allegra ever talk to Sage? 

I dismissed this thought quickly when another student gave a demonstration of their powers, and I leaned back in my seat, observing. 


Eventually we were all dismissed for dinner. I picked up my bag. 'Katherine?' Lesso said. I turned. 

'Do you mind staying back a minute? I need to talk to you.' 

The Definition of Insanity | 𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 𝐿𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon