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The fresh autumn leaves crunched underneath my boots as I crossed the quad to head over to the dining hall for lunch. I wasn't hungry but my friends were likely going to be there and apparently Sage had some interesting news for me which intrigued me. 

I soon reached the warm hall, and grabbed a coffee before I headed straight over to my friends who were in the usual spot. I greeted them swiftly, perching myself on the table next to them as always. 'What's up, I haven't got long, I have to get to sword-duelling early.' 

'I saw Allegra in my last class.' Sage started. 

I frowned. 'Yes, and? You do share classes with her, I know.' 

'She asked about you.' Sage smirked. 'I think she's hoping for some kind of friend reunion.' 

I laughed. 'After she tried to kill me? I don't think so.' I sipped my coffee, appreciating the warm, caffeinated goodness.

'Yeah, she seemed pretty awkward when she approached me. Probably because she knows that me and everyone else here knows she's a treacherous, two-faced bitch.'

I shook my head. 'Something wrong with that girl.' 

'I don't know, you forgave Lesso, can't you forgive Allegra?' Gideon asked. 

I raised an eyebrow at him. 'That's different, and you know it. Lesso had her reasons for what she did, which she explained to me, Allegra just tried to kill me because she's a jealous, spiteful wench.' 

'I reckon Allegra now knows it's easier to be on your side than against you.' Sage commented. 'Let's face it, more people here like you than her.' 

'They can't like me that much, or they wouldn't still be gossiping every time they see me and Lesso together.' I muttered. Since me and Lesso had kind of resolved things a month ago, we'd started spending time together outside of classes. We'd mostly just go and talk on the bridge or have coffee in her classroom. I was still keeping her at arm's length though; I couldn't completely forget last year. 

'The gossip will die down.' Gideon assured me. 'People are just bored. They'll find something else to talk about soon.' 

'I'm just surprised that nobody has an issue with it.' Sage added. 'I mean, literally everybody knows, including the School-Master but there's no backlash?'

'Probably because they all know that Katherine and Lesso aren't together anymore.' Gideon answered her question. 

I tuned their conversation out as I saw the devil herself walking over, and I subtly nudged Sage to shut up. She instantly stopped talking and punched Gideon in the arm, who was still stupidly rambling. 

'Hi, sorry, am I interrupting an important conversation?' Lesso mused. 

'No, what's up?' I asked casually. Lesso looked at Gideon and Sage and I threw them both a look myself, before Sage immediately took the hint and left, pulling Gideon with her. 

'Just thought I could walk you to your next class, since I've got about half an hour free.' She told me. 

I nodded. 'Okay, let's go.' I grabbed my coffee, and we headed out, back across the quad and towards the sword arena room. 

'How's your morning been so far?' She asked. 

'Interesting to say in the least.' I answered. 'Sage thought she was funny during Manley's class and transformed my outfit into a pink princess dress. I threatened her before she changed it back.' 

'Yikes. That would have entertaining to see.' 

I glared. 'I wasn't amused in the slightest. Anyone who knows me, knows I hate the colour pink.' 

'Oh I know. That's why it's hilarious.' 

'I looked like an Ever.' I made a disgusted noise. 

She laughed. 'What a tragedy.' 

We soon reached the sword arena room, which was empty since there was still about ten minutes before classes.  

I dumped my bag down on a chair on one side of the room, before placing my coffee down too and taking my coat off. 

'I don't think I've actually been in here since it was renovated for both Evers and Nevers.' She hummed. 

'Yeah, this time it's not strictly for Evers to use, since people have finally acknowledged that villains can wield a sword too.' I nodded. 

'Don't I know that.' She mused. 'I've seen you with a sword; it's kind of terrifying.' 

I laughed, picking my coffee up and joining her in the middle of the room. 'It's also the one place I can actually be myself without any expectations.' 

She was looking at me with an unreadable expression, her ocean blue eyes piercing mine. 'I missed you over the summer. I went to the Tavern regularly, hoping you'd show up there.' 

'I don't go there anymore.' I shook my head. 'I couldn't stop thinking about you though.' 

'Me neither. I thought about you all the time. Particularly when I was at the tavern, I thought about the first time I saw you there.' She said. 

'Yeah, you did say when we met that you saw me in there a few times that summer.' I nodded. 'Tell me.' 

'The first time I saw you...' She paused. 'You were wearing the cutest dark blue dress and you were verbally eviscerating some poor barfly.' She smiled slightly. 'And I just thought, who is that?' 

'I think I remember that day. I was in a bit of a foul mood.' I grinned. 

'And you turned out to be the best thing that happened to me.' 

'I'm the best thing that happened to you? Wow, I'm starting to feel sorry for you now.' I raised my eyebrows. 

'Stop talking about yourself like that.' She said softly. 

'Okay, I won't.' I laughed. 'You should probably go, people will start turning up to class soon.' She nodded in agreement, but we didn't move, her blue eyes were still locked on mine. It took me a few seconds to realise we'd leaned in slightly, and her eyes flickered down to my lips for a moment, as the tension in the air thickened. 

A door slammed open behind us, and I immediately stepped back, as we both quickly turned to see who'd just come in. A couple of Evers had walked in for class, some other students following them in a few seconds later. 

I noticed Gideon walking in with Calliope, and he gave us a questioning look. I subtly shook my head. 

'I guess I'll see you later?' Lesso asked. 

'Yeah, sure.' I nodded. 'Catch you later.' 

'Hey Katherine, ready to be thwarted again, today?' Calliope called over, smirking. 

'You wish, princess!' I laughed, heading over to the chair my bag was on to set my coffee down as Lesso left. 

I sighed under my breath, taking my sword out of its holster, and positioning myself on the piste as Calliope started walking over. 'Whenever you're ready, Calliope.' 

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