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A/N: Hey guys, hope you're enjoying so far, and I do apologise if some chapters do drag or seem a bit stale. Admittedly, when I started this fanfiction, I had a vague idea in my head, and at this point, I'm just winging it if I'm being honest. I promise it will pick up soon, thanks for your patience if you've gotten this far. 


Christmas was actually enjoyable this year, and my parents actually got along for once, which was a rare occasion. I'd been shown my new house the day I got back, but I decided to stay with my parents for Christmas, which I was apprehensive about at first, but there was rarely any bickering between them, to my surprise. 

My mum had even got me a sword cleaning kit for Christmas; it seemed to be a subtle gesture, which I appreciated. My dad had got me a small silver dagger so I could counter any surprise attacks in future; I'd told them that a classmate had stabbed me and they were more outraged at the fact that I'd gotten cocky and let my guard down, rather than any concern for my safety. I was used to it though. Like I said before, my parents weren't the gentle parenting type. 

The new year soon rolled around and before I knew it, I was dragging my suitcase to the familiar clearing in the woods. It didn't take long for the skeletal bird to arrive, picking me up and taking me back to school. 

I held on to its talons tightly, bracing against the unpleasant sensation of the low air pressure around me and being high up in the sky. 

The bird soon dropped me into the water again, but this time I was prepared as I braced myself for impact, making myself as narrow and straight as possible before I plunged into the icy water. I couldn't wait for summer again, I thought with my teeth chattering as I slowly got out of the water after overcoming the initial shock of the cold. 

I set my suitcase down, quickly drying myself off with magic before I picked it back up, setting inside and to my dorm. I passed a few familiar Nevers on the way who said hi, and I waved back, not in the mood for chitchat. 

I soon reached my cosy dorm room, closing the door behind me, setting my suitcase down and taking my sword belt off which I chucked on my bed. I was half-hoping to see Lady Lesso on my way here but I didn't, which was slightly disappointing. I assumed she was just busy. I changed out of my comfortable travelling clothes and put on some black leather jeans with a belt, a black knitted jumper and a black trench coat with a hood. I finished the look off with black military style boots and then headed out of my dorm to find my friends. 

I searched down familiar corridors where we sometimes met up and checked in the dining hall which was full of students grabbing a quick lunch, but they weren't there. I had a feeling they either hadn't arrived back yet or were in their respective dorms to settle back in. I decided to just head back to my dorm to put my clothes away and settle in properly, and I just as I turned, I nearly walked straight into Lady Lesso. 

'Watch where you're going Miss Hook.' She said harshly. 

'Hey, what's with the Miss Hook?' I laughed, meeting her gorgeous blue eyes. 'Also, you nearly went into me, not the other way around.' 

'Don't get smart with me.' She scowled. 'Maybe try being more aware of your surroundings next time, Hook.'

I frowned. I couldn't tell if she was just joking with me or being genuinely serious. 'It won't happen again?'

'Good.' She glared. 'I'll see you in class tomorrow. Don't be late either.' She said before sweeping past me without another word. 

I stood there for a moment, unable to formulate words. What just happened? Had I unknowingly done something to piss her off? 

I looked around at her; she was talking to Professor Dovey and didn't even glance in my direction. I shook the exchange off that we were surrounded by students and staff so she had to be careful not to give us away. 

I headed back to my dorm, in a slightly worse mood than before as I slammed the door behind me and started chucking clothes onto my bed out of my suitcase. I quickly caught myself though; I knew the only reason I was feeling slightly ill-tempered was because of Lesso being curt towards me but I needed to get over it. She was obviously just being careful around other people, and I needed to stop being so damn sensitive. Her words had cut into a part of me I didn't know existed. Since when did I let her to take a metaphorical step closer to me? I scowled to myself. I couldn't allow her to have this level of influence over me. It was unhealthy. More than unhealthy, it was ridiculous. 

There was a knock of my room door, and I tensed, hoping it wasn't her because I still had a slight attitude over what had occurred ten minutes ago. 'Yes?' I called. 

The door opened and Hester, Dot, Anadil and Hort came bounding in. They all grinned when they saw me. 'Katherine!' Hester yelled, practically throwing herself at me so we both fell back onto the bed. 'We've been looking for you everywhere!' 

'Funny, I was looking for you guys not long ago.' I grinned, sitting up. 'Hey guys.' 

They all said hi, coming over and sitting down. 'How was your break, Katherine?' Dot asked. 

'Yeah, it was alright.' I nodded. 'I confronted my father about Hort.' 

Hort perked up at hearing this. 'Oh? What did he say?'

'Oh the usual bullshit excuses, he was going to tell me, blah blah.' I rolled my eyes. 'I let it go though, I knew he wouldn't give me a liable excuse.' 

'No, I didn't want to say anything in case I upset you Katherine, but I had a feeling your dad wouldn't come up with a good explanation, they never do.' Anadil piped up. 

'It's alright mate, I wouldn't have minded you telling me that, I can take the truth.' I nodded gratefully. 'But you're right, he just said what I wanted to hear.' 

'Men, they're all cowardly bastards, even the pirates.' Hester said scathingly. 

'Hey! I'm also a man!' Hort said, outraged as we laughed. 

'It's okay, we don't mean you Hort, you're a cinnamon bun compared to our father.' I grinned, ruffling his hair. 

'Please don't ever say that again.' He frowned. 

'It's good to be back.' Dot giggled. 

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