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'Come on, Katherine, you can keep up!' My dad grinned, swinging his sword around. I met his with a clashing sound, and managed to push his sword enough that he stumbled back slightly. I was pleasantly surprised; I didn't think I was that strong. 

'Of course I can.' I grinned. 

'Hook! Katherine!' My mum screamed from the docks. 'Can you put your swords down for a minute and help me out?' 

We both sighed, before putting the swords back and heading off the ship and back towards the house. We joined my mother in the kitchen, as she was stirring up soup. 'Killian, can you get some dishes out please?' He obliged, heading to the cupboards and pulling bowls out.

'So, Katherine, in a few days, it's your 18th Birthday. What do you want to do?' Mother asked. 

'Honestly, I don't want you to make a fuss.' I shook my head. 'It's just another birthday to me.' 

I'd already had my milestone birthday, my 17th, which made me a legal adult, so I wasn't too fussed about my 18th. I'd heard that in another realm, your 18th was a milestone birthday, and there were a few people in this world that celebrated it as they'd come over from the other world. 

Mother sighed. 'Well at least let me make you a cake.' 

'As long as it's covered in black icing, then absolutely.' Black was my favourite colour. 

'So, you excited about going to this new school after the summer, Katherine?' Dad asked, sitting down opposite me. 

'Definitely.' I nodded. 'I'll finally learn the fine art of becoming a villain.'

'And a damn good one you'll be as well.' My mum commented, bringing a pot of soup over, ladling it into dishes. 'Don't disappoint me.'

'And don't talk to any Readers, they're bad luck.' Dad threw in. 'Especially after the fiasco last year.' 

'Why, what happened?' I asked, taking a spoonful of soup.

'Two readers were let in, and one of them pretty much brought both the schools to their knees within weeks because she listened to the school-master's evil brother. As it turns out, the school-master was never there anyway, it was his evil brother masquerading as him the whole time and he manipulated one of the stupid readers into making him the ultimate evil.' 

'Crikey.' I raised my eyebrows. 

'And now the school has reformed, so good and evil are now mixed instead of separate.' He made a disgusted sound. 'Ridiculous.' 

'How does that even work?' 

'Well as I understand, you'll have your classes separately for good and evil but apparently they've introduced a new curriculum for mixed classes, such as history of good and evil.' He told me. 

'Makes sense.' I nodded. 'Right, I'm off to the Tavern.' I got up from the table. 

'Katherine, you haven't finished your soup.' Mother frowned. 

'I'm not hungry.' I said simply, leaving. 

It was lucky it was a beautiful sunny day today because I was just wearing a black crop top, and a long black skirt with button detail. I slipped my shades on, heading towards town. It was still quite busy for the late afternoon. 


I soon reached the tavern, heading into the cool shelter, and strode straight up to the bar. 'Double whisky please, no ice.' I ordered from the barman, taking my shades off and putting them of my head. He nodded at once, preparing my drink. 

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