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'Put the axe down, Katherine.' 

Dammit. I glared at Professor Safer, returning the axe to its usual spot, and sat back at my desk in a huff. The Ever boy I'd been about to throw the axe at, looked really put out, but he'd started it, by making childish remarks. 

Sage was staring me out. 

'What?' I turned to her in annoyance. 

'What's going on Katherine? You've been acting increasingly erratic the past few weeks since the Evers and Nevers ball.' She said in an undertone. 

I rolled my eyes. 'You should be used to me by now.' 

'No, I know your usual bitchy behaviour, but this is different. You're being weirdly reckless.' She informed me. 

I frowned. 'I'm a Never. What do you expect?' 

She luckily dropped the matter, as I wasn't in the mood for her constantly sniping at me. 

We were soon released for dinner, and I slung my bag over my shoulder, heading out towards my favourite place to be alone. Sage asked if I wanted to join her and Gideon in the dining hall, but I declined, so she said she'd bring me some food to the dorm later in case I got hungry. 

I thanked her, before heading out to the bridge linking the two schools; it was still bustling with students going back and forth, so I waited until they were all gone before I sat on the edge as I always did, overlooking the uneven mountainous valleys. 

As I stared out, I felt the same heavy weight on my heart, and I sighed. I couldn't stop thinking about the night of the ball. Calliope was right, I was just self-sabotaging and torturing myself in the process. I kept wondering if I was just making excuses to keep me and Lesso apart. I just didn't want to find out that she didn't want me back. The whole situation was keeping me up at night. I knew I needed to do something about us, whether to heal and move on or tell her that I still loved her, because it was tearing me apart. I couldn't erase everything that had happened between us if I didn't get some kind of closure. 

'Miss Hook?' 

I looked up. Professor Dovey was walking over. 

'Are you okay?' She asked. 'Why are you not at dinner?' 

'I'm not really feeling hungry at the moment, Sage said she'll save me something for later.' I explained. 'Besides, I have all my best thoughts here.' 

She smiled. 'I understand that. The library is one of my favourite spots.' 

I nodded.

'Is there something troubling you, Katherine?' She asked. 'You can talk to me if you like.' She added kindly. 

I sighed. 'I don't know.' 

'Is this about Lesso?' She guessed. 

I stood back up on the bridge, facing her. 'I suppose so, yeah.' 

'You know, normally we wouldn't approve of an affiliation between you two like this, but it didn't interfere with your studies last year, or her work, and nobody knew because you kept things so low key.' She told me. 'And I'll tell you this.' 

I waited, dreading what she was about to say next. 

'I don't know what you did to Lesso, but I haven't seen that softer side of her in a long time until last year. You brought it out of her, because you're good for her.' She said approvingly. 'I've never seen her like that with anyone but you.' 

'Really?' I didn't know what else to say. 

'Yes. I know you're probably finding it hard to let her back in, but being apart from you is breaking her heart, I can tell. I can also tell that it's worth fixing though.' 

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