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I strode into the crowded hall, looking for Allegra. I'd barely seen her all week and I was going to demand to know what her issue was with me. 

I soon found her, sat on a bench. 'Allegra?' 

She looked up. 'Oh, hi.' She said flatly. 

I took a seat next to her. 'What's going on? I thought we were friends and now you're suddenly hanging out with Sage and giving me attitude all the time. What's that all about?' 

She shook her head. 'Don't start, Katherine. I just don't feel like our interests align anymore. That's all.' 

'What does that even mean?' I frowned. 'I thought we got along great.' 

'It's not worth talking about, Katherine.' She snapped, before getting up and walking away. 

I stared after her, and decided in that moment that it wasn't pursuing the matter. She didn't want to be friends? Never mind. She wanted to hang out with Sage? Great. Good luck to her. When it all blew up in her face, I hoped she wouldn't expect to come crawling back. 

'Erm, Katherine?' 

I looked up. Gideon approached me. 'Hi.' I smiled. 'You okay?' 

'I just want to say thanks for coming to my rescue on Monday.' He said awkwardly. 

'Hey, it's no big deal.' I shrugged. 'I saw you were struggling to keep that wolf at bay.' 

'I'm not a very good villain, I know.' He laughed. 'My best talent is telekinesis. How formidable.' 

I felt kind of bad for judging him at the start. 'Actually, it's a very useful talent.' I told him. 'You could do all sorts with it. Don't start doubting yourself.' 

'Says the girl who can summon a lightning bolt and wield a sword.' He laughed. 

I grinned. 'We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Try not to focus on the weaknesses. Your telekinesis is your strength.' 

'Thanks.' He looked reassured. 

'Shut up!' Lady Lesso yelled. Me and Gideon turned as well as the rest of the students.

Lesso and Dovey were stood at the other end of the hall. 

'Now, if Evers and Nevers will form 2 lines, you will receive your finger-glows.' Dovey announced. Everyone scrambled to queue up nearest to the front. Me and Gideon walked over, joining the Nevers. 'Evers, do not fear. Good feels no pain.' 

'Nevers,' Lesso paused for dramatic effect. 'It's going to hurt.'

One by one, students received their finger-glows. I was near the back, so it was taking some time before it was my turn. 

'Your finger glow, helps you become of aware of the power inside you.' Dovey continued. 

'When your finger glows, it means you've begun to tap into your emotions. Powerful enough, to cast a spell.' Lesso added. 

'The stronger your emotions, the stronger your magic.' Dovey finished. 

I finally reached the front. Lesso winked at me before she harshly pierced my finger with a twist. Yep, it stung, but considering I'd been on the receiving end of Sage's knife, this was nothing. I smirked. My finger glowed a gorgeous gold with intensity, and I left the queue, before heading out of the hall where I nearly crashed into Dot and Hester. 'Oh, hey guys.' 

'Ooh, lets see.' Dot held my hand up. 'That's one hell of a glow. I wonder why.' She snickered as Hester grinned. 

'Shut up.' I grumbled, rolling my eyes. 'What are you even doing here?' 

'We wanted to meet up after you'd unlocked your magic.' Hester explained. 'And we also wanted to ask you if you could improve our dresses a bit for the ball tomorrow.' 

I gave a half-smile. 'Sure. Show me these dresses.' 


I'd just finished putting the finishing touches to Hester's dress, which was now covered in a black lace at the bodice and then layered out the skirt with some tulle underneath and added a black chiffon over the black silk of the skirt. I added a few white pearl beads on the skirt to give it some more depth. 'Here you go.' 

'It's perfect!' Hester gasped. 'I'll definitely turn some heads with this.' 

I grinned; Dot was also admiring her black and dark green dress. 

'Oh, Hort and Anadil will be along soon.' Hester told me. 

'Why?' I asked. 

'Have you forgotten? We're having a pre-party tonight in your dorm before the ball tomorrow night.' Dot reminded me. 

'Oh of course.' I nodded. 'Help me put these dresses and fabrics away before they get here then and then we can relax.' 

We placed the dresses carefully in my wardrobe and piled the fabrics into a box in a corner and as if on cue, Hort and Anadil burst in. 'Hey guys!' Hort exclaimed with a grin. 

'Not so loud!' I hissed, closing my door behind me. 'We'll get into trouble if you're caught here after hours!' 

'Oh please, we're Nevers, we can do what we like!' Dot laughed. I shook my head in amusement. 

'Look, we also raided Manley's stores, and found a load of rum and potions!' Hort held up a few bottles. He actually looked proud of himself, like a cat that had just dragged in a mouse. Hester cackled with laughter. 

'Lets get absolutely shitfaced!' Anadil exclaimed as we threw ourselves onto my bed and Dot conjured some cups out of nowhere which Hort poured generous amounts of rum into.  

'Cheers!' We all tapped our cups together and drank. 

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