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Once again, I found myself immersed in my studies the next few months, as there was going to be a huge assessment at the end of the year between the two schools, and I wanted to prove myself, not just to my parents but to myself. That I could be such a great villain like my parents. 

The weather grew slowly warmer along with my mood, as I was looking forward to the end of the school year when me and Lesso could finally spend some time together without eyes on us all the damn time. I was also planning on inviting my friends over during the summer when I wasn't with Lesso. 

I'd pretty much mastered my finger-glow and became accomplished at sword duelling as Gideon practiced with me outside of lessons. Me and him were becoming quite close as friends and I was slowly beginning to trust him. 


It was a warm day in the middle of May and I was sat with my friends during lunch. Beatrix had pretty much become a permanent addition to the group too, which nobody seemed to mind, considering she was an Ever. 

'Ugh, parents coming tomorrow.' Beatrix rolled her eyes. 'I know my mother is going to be wanting to inspect my sleeping quarters and how I'm doing in my studies. She's going to be expecting perfection, nothing less.'

'Probably best not to introduce me yet, then.' Hester laughed. 

Beatrix took her hand. 'She'll be accepting you as long as we're together. I don't care.' 

I felt a small twang of envy watching them both, before looking over at Lesso, who was chatting with Professor Anemone. I wished we could be open and public, like that. Almost as if she felt my eyes on her, she looked over and winked. I grinned, looking away quickly so nobody noticed the small flirty exchange. 

We'd had a real deep conversation the other week when I'd stayed back after class to talk to her. I'd told her about how I was trying to live up to my parent's names and I sometimes felt I'd never be as good as I thought. She'd reassured me by telling me she was actually originally a Reader, from the other world and she'd been brought over here when Rafal, the evil guy had chosen her because he saw evil in her she didn't know she'd had. She said it was still hard sometimes trying to pretend like she was one of us, and I'd told her she didn't need to pretend, she was one of us. 

'Hey, Katherine, daydreaming again?' Anadil clicked her fingers in front of my face. I'd realised I'd been smiling to myself, thinking about the conversation me and Lesso had. 

'Sorry.' I smiled wryly. 


The next day

I made sure I had put all my things away so my room was a somewhat acceptable state, before I headed down to the great hall where parents were arriving. 

I soon found my parents in the crowded hall, and we got usual pleasantries out the way; my parents weren't big on public displays of affection. My mum excused herself to go and get a drink, which was a good idea as Hort came over. 'Dad.' He said. 

'Hort, how's it going?' Dad asked. 

'Great.' He grinned. 'Not like you actually care.' 

'Son, can we not fight here?' Dad hissed. 'Don't embarrass me.' 

'You embarrass yourself, father. You let a crocodile take your hand and out of all awesome things you could have replaced it with, you chose a hook, therefore taking on the name Captain Hook and unfortunately forcing the surname on me and Katherine.' He laughed. 'You have got a great ship though, I'll give you that. And my little sister can duel better I've ever seen you.' 

'Hort, knock it off.' I said. 'Dad's right, no fights. At least not today.' 

Almost as if to contradict my words, I spotted Allegra stood with her dad, Dr Facilier. She was smirking at me, like she wanted to say something. I turned away, ignoring her. 

'Hort, why don't you show me your dorm?' Dad suggested. 

'Ugh, fine.' Hort rolled his eyes. 'I'll see you later.' He told me, leaving. I nodded, scanning the room for Lady Lesso. I couldn't see her anywhere, so I left the hall, heading up to her classroom. 

I soon reached it, heading inside. She was at her desk, sorting through paperwork. She looked up when I entered. 'Oh, hey love.' 

'Hey, everything okay? You're not downstairs with everyone.' I walked over, perching myself on the edge on her desk, next to her. 

She distractedly put a hand on my thigh. 'I'm just sorting through a load of paperwork and then I'll be down there.' 

'You okay? You look stressed.' I said concernedly. 

'Hm, yeah. Just trying to get everything done before the year ends, and it doesn't help that we're still looking for another school-master, most of the duties are now split between me and Dovey until the position is filled in, which should hopefully be next year.' She explained, sighing. 

'You work yourself too hard, Leonora of Galvadon.' I frowned. 

'Watch it, Hook.' She said warningly. 

'What, we're alone.' I shrugged. 

'I know, I'm not talking about that. The Galvadon part.' 

'Sorry.' I apologised. 

She hummed in response. 'I promise I'll down in about an hour. I'm just finishing some stuff off. You go, I'll see you down there.' 

'Okay. I love you.' I said cautiously, realising it was the first time I actually said it. 

That got a smile out of her. 'I love you too. Now, go.' 

I laughed. 'Okay, see you later.' 

I left, heading back down to the hall where my mother was stood, talking to Professor Safer. I sighed internally. Today was going to be a long day. 

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