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The next morning

I finally hopped out of the shower, drying myself off as I picked out my outfit for the day. I decided on a tight black turtleneck top, skinny black trousers, my leather jacket and I let my hair fall down my back in loose waves. I added some black military style boots to complete the look.

I grabbed my notebook and pen, stashing them in my bag and debated whether I'd need my sword today. Probably not. I decided to keep it in my dorm and headed down to quickly grab a croissant before classes started. Apparently the food around here had dramatically improved for Nevers since the school reform, which I was grateful for, because I wasn't going to eat the indigestible swill my dad told me they'd served. 

I met Hester, Dot, Anadil and Hort in the dining hall as I got myself a coffee and a croissant. 'Hey guys.' 

'Hey little sis.' Hort grinned. The girls greeted me enthusiastically. 

'What classes have you got today?' Hester asked. I showed her my schedule. 'Oh god, you've got history first with the Evers.' She groaned. 'I'd just fall asleep during that class if I were you, it's going to be boring and pointless.' 

'Thanks for the advice.' I laughed. I finished my coffee before heading out. 'I'll see you guys at dinner!' They waved as I left and headed toward history. 

It didn't take long to find, and I decided to sit in the back so if Hester was right and it was boring, I would just go to sleep. 

I was joking, though. I wanted to just get through this school year unnoticed, and getting into trouble wasn't worth it, because it would end up in fails and I didn't want to end up as a great skeletal bird or something. That'd be really annoying. 

'Hey, can I sit here?' A never girl asked me, pointing to the desk on my right. She was quite pretty for a never, with straight dark blue hair and dark catlike eyes. 

'Yeah, go for it.' I nodded. 

'Thanks. I'm Allegra.' She introduced. 

'Katherine.' I gave a brief smile. 

The teacher soon walked in, Professor Safer, and the class soon settled down. 

Hester turned out to be right; the class was tedious as hell, it mostly consisted of us taking notes. I kept my head down though and just took notes. 


Eventually the hour was up as we all packed up our books, heading for next class. I glanced at my schedule and rolled my eyes. Great. Curses and Deathtraps with Lady Lesso. 

'Hey, where are you headed next?' Allegra asked. 'Oh, you're in the same class as me! I know where it is, I passed it this morning on my way here!' 

'Lead the way.' I smiled. Allegra seemed very enthusiastic. 

We soon got there, and the place was already crowded with Nevers, either sitting on tables or wandering around. Allegra gestured for us to sit near the back and I agreed, following her. Maybe if I kept my head down this whole hour, she wouldn't talk to me. And I wasn't talking about Allegra. 

Lady Lesso soon entered the room. 'Shut up!' She yelled. Everyone instantly went to their respective seats. 

She scanned the room, stopping when she clocked me. I kept my expression impassive, but her icy blue eyes pierced me, making me slightly nervous. I wondered if she was thinking about yesterday. 

My eyes flickered down at my desk, ignoring her. 

'Right class, this subject is going to be, as you've probably already guessed, about curses and deathtraps.' She started. 'Can anyone give me an example of a curse? Sage!' She called on a random student. 

'Erm, bad luck?' Sage answered timidly. 

'Yes, one of the most obvious ones..' She rolled her eyes. 'Anyone else?' 

'Cursed objects that cause tragic accidents.' Another student volunteered. 

'Very good.' She carried on. 'Any examples of Deathtraps?' 

And that was how the class carried on, with us occasionally making notes and Lesso asking questions every now and then. 

I found myself thinking about her again, rather than the subject we were on. She commanded attention in a room without even trying. The way she occasionally swung her cane around for dramatic effect or slammed it on someone's desk when asking questions. She just gave off a really dominant aura which was difficult to ignore. I watched her perfect lips moving as she talked, remembering how they felt on my lips. Oh, and her eyes were so blue... 

Luckily she didn't call on me the whole hour, in fact, she seemed to be ignoring me, which I was confused by, since she kissed me yesterday. Maybe she was trying to prove a point, that she wasn't interested anymore. Or maybe she was trying to get a reaction out of me. Either way, I wasn't giving her the satisfaction. 

Eventually the bell rang for lunch, and I quickly grabbed my stuff and left the classroom with the rest of the students, so she didn't try to talk to me if she wanted to. 

I headed straight down, only stopping when Dot called my name. 'Wait for us, Katherine!' She and the others quickly joined me and we headed for lunch together. 


'What's wrong Katherine? You've barely touched your food.' Anadil asked. 

'Guess I'm just not hungry.' I pushed it away from me. I wasn't exactly lying. My stomach was in knots. I couldn't stop thinking about Lady Lesso. Was this how it was going to be, for the whole school year, with us ignoring each other? 

'I'm hungry.' Hort said, taking my plate and adding to his. I shook my head at his antics. 

'Something's bothering you, I can tell.' Dot said. 'We're friends now, you can tell us.' 

'I don't know.' I shrugged. 'Maybe I'm just pissed at my dad for lying to me by not telling me I had a brother.' 

'Hey, if its any consolation Katherine, he's a pirate.' Hort said. 'They're all lying scum.' 

I grinned wryly. 'True.' 

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